Next Friday | Teen Ink

Next Friday

November 22, 2013
By jamara campbell BRONZE, King George, Virginia
jamara campbell BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Next Friday is a 2000 stoner comedy film and the sequel to the 1995 film Friday. This is the first film to be produced by producer Ice Cube's film Production Company Cubevision.Friday the director is Steve Carr. The main cast characters Ice Cube , Tamala Jones,Mike Epps, Don "DC" Curry, John Witherspoop,Tiny Lister,Kym E. Whitley, Justin Pierce,JacobVargas,Amy Hill, Lisa Rodriguez, Sticky Fingaz,Clifton Powell, Lobo Sebastian, Rolando Molina, Lisa Rodriguez, Robin Allen, Carmen Serano,Maria Arce,Vanessa White, Michael Blackson,Ronn Riser-Muhammad, David Waterman ,Cheridah Best, Ronn Riser Muhammad and Shane Conrad.
The movie was pretty good it’s about a man named Craig who fought another man named Deebo and knows he has to move because he heard a rumor through the grape vine that the other man was breaking out of jail this Friday. His dad’s brother won the lottery and lives in the rich towns where nothing happens and it’s nice and calm but what they don’t know is there house is going to be evicted in the morning so Craig shots into action. It makes more sense if you watch the prequel before you watch this movie it’s called Friday. It’s pretty short for a movie I think it should’ve added more to the ending because it was predictive like there’s one part in the movie that atimaticly shows you what’s going to happen in the end.
I think it’s a really good movie I like all three but this one was better and it’s was the funniest in my opinion. If you have a really good sense of humor you should watch this think you should take the time to go on the internet and download all three movies there really well altogether. If you have a really good sense of humor you should watch this.
Citations: IMDb, Wikipedia

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