Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 22, 2013
By Damien Stack BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Damien Stack BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ender’s Game Movie Review

As Ender continues to beat on Stilson over and over again I thought this is going to be a violent movie. I saw that Ender is a prestigious young man who will injure or kill anyone who will razz him out. Everything began when the Buggers, Ant like extraterrestrial, invaded earth. In the begging of the movie I noticed that the Ender in the book is very young in fact only six years old, but in the movie he was definitely not six years old maybe twice that much. There was also very little talk about Ender being a third, than in the book.

Colonel Graff was the first person Ender meets before launching. In the book Major Anderson and him would monitor Ender from the beginning of the book. Harrison Ford was, to me, the best actor there. This was another thing that made me want to rate the movie more interesting.
During the movie version when Ender launched to battle school, there were a few missing details that I thought were important. In the book ender breaks the foot of another kid that was part of his launch. This is a big detail that the director missed and I think should've been part of the movie.
After arriving to battle school I was impressed by the setup of the interior building of the Battle school. It was setup just like I imagined. I give the movie credit for that. The moving lights to direct the launchies where to go was interesting and the rooms and bunks stayed close to the details of the books point of view.
Right when I saw Sergeant Dap the movies audience, including myself burst out in tears and laughing. Nonso Anozie was the perfect actor for Sergeant Dap. He distinguished the perfect Dap. He yelled with a taunting voice and Ender and him made up the funniest scene of the movie. Sergeant Dap, to me was the closest you can get to the book.
When I discovered Major Anderson was a woman I thought, whoa, isn’t she a man. Afterwards I conjured about Major Anderson for a few minutes and in the book Anderson did have a few characteristics of a woman. In the book Anderson was very careful and monitoring to Ender. I believe women are more like this than men. I concluded that Major Anderson would do better as a woman than a man, but in the book Major Anderson was a man.
The fantasy game was implied with a few missing parts. In the book Ender played the fantasy game over and over until his frustration pushed him to kill the giant. There were also the little kids that turned into wolves on the playground. Finally snakes were supposed to come out of peters mouth. The movie had none of these structures from the book.
Probably the most stupendous part of the movie was the armies and their battles. I noticed that in movie Ender joined the Salamander and went straight to the Dragon army. In the book he goes to the Salamander and Rat army before commanding the Dragon army. The movie also did skip many of the battles Ender fought in and the ones they did show they changed a little. I would say it was great if they had more battles that showed Ender’s courage and intelligence.
Demosthenes and Locke were an enormous part that they did not include in the movie version. In the book there were a few chapters about Peter and Valentine Wiggin, Ender’s siblings, who created Demosthenes and Locke. I thought this was very important and since they never added this part into the movie I thought it was an important part and they could of have narrowed it down to include it.
Bonzo was character unlike no other. Weeks after watching the movie my classmates still can’t get over the idea of the way Bonzo looked in the movie. I think that they could of done better. If you see him you start to laugh. He reminds me of Curley from Of Mice and Men. Ender accidentally fatally wounds Bonzo to protect himself from further harm in the book and they do not make it clear that he died in the movie.

Mazer Rackham appears interesting. He was very patient and smart. He was a good actor for the part in the movie. The movie made a good choice about this.

Overall I think the book is better than the movie. I recommend reading the book and watching the movie. Only a few big and minor details are missing in the movie. So go out and watch Ender’s game because we all know for Ender Wiggin it’s not a game anymore.

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