Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 22, 2013
By KeeBoy BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
KeeBoy BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Enders Game Review

The award-winning book Ender’s Game is about young Ender Wiggin who was six years of age at the time. He is a third in his family, witch means he the third child. At school Stilson bullies him to the point where Ender fights back. At home, Ender and his older brother, Peter plays bugger and astronaut. After that, Col. Graff wants Ender to go to battle school .He ends up to be enrolled in Battle school. In battle school, He is known to be the smartest kid in his group of launchies. Launchies are the new kids to be enrolled to battle school. Then he gets into to salamander army, which is led by Bonzo Madrid. Bonzo does not like Ender and does not let him participate in any army battles. Then Ender meets Petra, a girl in the Salamander army. They connect right away. Than when they practice together Bonzo gets really mad. After they get in to an argument, Ender threatens him that he will get Bonzo iced. After that, Ender was taking a shower when Bonzo tries to fight him. Ender gets mad and punches him and Bonzo gets badly hurt. After that Ender is placed in Dragon army. Where they won numerous fights. They were very successful. Then he thinks back to when his mother used silently pray when he was asleep. He missed his mother a lot since he left with Col. Graff. When he gets older he attends command school, and he destroys the buggers (formic) world. After he does that the two fake politicians that were played as Ender’s siblings, Peter and Valentine. In the book, Demosthenes and Locke, help Ender get home. They also let Valentine talk to Ender on a raft. He told her that he was sick of fighting. He was sick of fighting because he felt that he learned his enemies too much and then loved them and had to destroy them. However, he was tricked in to destroying them. By the time the book was done it Ender was around 13 years old. Overall, the book was great I enjoyed every page of it.

The movie was pretty good. It was similar to the book but at the same time very different. Ender Wiggin, was played by Asa Butterfield. In the beginning of the movie was 13 years old. This is the first difference that was pretty big. The beginning went on similar to the book Ender and Stilson got into a fight after he got his monitor off. Then Ender finally fought back and then went home and played astronaut and bugger with Peter. Then Col. Graff was there to take him to battle school. In the launch he met his crew Alai, Bean, and Bernard. During the launch in the book Ender broke Bernard’s arm with a seatbelt. In the movie the only exiting thing is that Alai vomits in no gravity it floats everywhere. That was pretty gross. This was another big difference. Then when they get to battle school, they meet strict Sgt. Dap. Sgt. Dap gets very mad at Ender because Dap tells Ender that he will never salute him. Then Enders replies “yes, you will.” Then Sgt. Dap tells him to do 50 pushups. so from then Enders relationship with Sgt. Dap was not that great. After a lot of learning and studying, Ender became amazed with Mazer Rackham. Mazer Rackham was the guy that saved the world that was presumed to be dead by the. Then Ender discovers the Giant’s Drink Game which in the game it tricks you so Ender killed the Giant. . Ender finally becomes promoted by Salamander Army there was no major differences yet except for the launch experience. Then Ender and Bonzo have their fight and this time Bozo is sent in to surgery. Then Ender is put in to Dragon Army where Petra meets him. Now instead of Command school being in space it is on a formic planet. One of the major changes was there was no Demonthese and Locke. That was SUPER disappointing to me. From then on, it was pretty much the same. This movie was good but in some ways, very disappointing.
My opinion is that the book was better because it had more of the details. The book also had more detail. On the other hand the movie did a good job compromising for the most part. I chose the book because it was way different and full of detail. If the movie had Demosthenes and Locke then maybe I would have chose that.

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