Ender?s Game | Teen Ink

Ender?s Game

November 25, 2013
By Aukea Hooper BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Aukea Hooper BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game

Synopsis: A great new species has arrived in the outer of space and Andrew Ender Wiggin played by Asa Butterfield was chosen out of his family to take a journey out of this world. Ender’s parents had to ask the government for permission to have Ender because of overpopulation on Earth. His older brother Peter Wiggin, played by Jimmy Pinchak bullies him because of his younger brothers talent and that his monitor still lies in the back of his neck. From infant to around puberty, a device on their neck monitors all children behavior such as, strength, weakness, and strategy. They were raised off of high tech games that teach children how to focus and use many tactics to solve different situations. Peter was cut out of the program because he was too violent. His sister, Valentine was cut because she was too emotional. Desperately in search of a commander, Colonel Graff (Harrison Ford, the grumpiest man in the world) believes that there is still a chance to fight the buggers and believes Ender is the right one to lead our troops into battle. He isolates Ender to see if he can assume leadership. Major Anderson (Viola Davis, associate through battle school) wants to give more time for Ender to develop but of course, Colonel Graff edges Ender on to the point of being crazy, others are noticing the attention that Ender is getting and some are weary and jealous of him. So join Ender as he battles to save not only the world, but also his heart, after doing some menacing things to a species that wasn’t supposed to be erased from history. He brings a tool kit filled with, compassion, dedication, skill, and love.

Recently, Ender’s game has been put into theaters. After reading the novel, I am pleased to tell you my movie review. The characters in the novel were quite different in the movie as they were described. In the novel, Ender was described as a small six-year-old boy. In the movie, Ender was around the age of 14 and about 5?6 in height. Another character was Anderson who in the novel, was described as a fat man. In the movie, Anderson was a black lady. The setting was the same as described in the novel. The places were, Earth, Eros, the bathroom, Battle school, and Battle Room. Those were all of the original places where the events took place. There were some parts that weren’t the same though. Like when Ender fought Stilson in the hallway in the novel, but in the movie, it took place in a science room. In the novel the place where Colonel Graff and Ender took off the to get to space was described totally different. The place was call stumpy point; there was a big bird pond. In the movie, they took off somewhere deep in the mountains with what looked like giant solar panels surrounding them. I think the theme for the novel and the movie was “Destroy or get destroyed.” I think that this is the theme because in the novel and movie, the whole point of Ender was to be the new Mazer Rackham and destroy the second invasion of buggers. It was all based off of Ender training to become a cold-blooded killer who didn’t depend on anybody else. The lines of dialogue that came to me that were funny were “fart eater” and “pulp”. There was a lot missing in the movie. They left out the many battles at Battle School. In the book, there were endless battles everyday, shot after sot, team after team; it was non-stop action for Dragon Army. I felt that the battles were the best part of the book and they definitely should have put it into the movie. They cut the scene when Graff and Ender were traveling to Eros. That journey was important to Ender because he learned a lot about Colonel Graff, which deepened their relationship. Also the movie didn’t show the trainings with Alai or any other of the launchies. It also didn’t show when Peter and Valentine were Locke and Demosthenes. I think by Peter and Valentine becoming Locke and Demosthenes, they had a different perspective on the government. Those “shadows” had changed the both of them because they had learned a lot of knowledge and made them more mature. When Peter was grown up he had taken over the world while Valentine and Ender were in outer space traveling to find other Bugger planets. The part when the older senior officers had attacked Ender and the launchies because they were having the trainings was not put into the movie either. I was very disappointed that they had not put that part because to me, it was like the climax because it changed Enders path. Another part that was cut was when Ender had become “Speaker for the dead” and had written letters speaking for the buggers. They added the part when Ender meets the queen and gets the cocoon. They added in the part with the game with Valentine and Peter.

I feel like the novel seemed better then the movie. I felt more of Enders feeling in the book, and why he did what he did. The book was also explained in a much more detailed way. The author used such great events from the story to make you feel as if you were there and you could picture exactly what they were doing. The movie was not that good as I had expected because of the way it had played out. I was confused halfway through the movie because it didn’t follow the same story line as the book. Also, they skipped a lot of events that seemed important to add into the film. Though the movie was a bit on the low side I still think that the actors and the producers did a really nice job putting together what they thought of Ender’s Game. So I would rate this movie a 4 out of 5 stars because it wasn’t how I thought it would be. This is just my opinion on this novel and the film that was created and inspired by Ender’s Game.

Now in theaters near you!!!

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write a movie review about Ender?s Game after I had read the book.

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