Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Enders Game, a book written by Orson Scott Card and directed by Gavin Hood was an action filled novel with so much excitement, it is a movie about a boy named ender. The movie was completely different from the book. Although there were some similarities there were also some things that were totally different. I would suggest doing what I did and read the book before you watch the movie, because it’d make more sense and you’d understand the story better. Some events that were missing from the movie were some of the battles against all the different launchies, in the book they talked about all these battles but in the movie it didn’t show as much as the book had. Another thing that was missing was launch practice, also some of the characters like Demosthenes and Locke. I also noticed that some gross scenes were taken out of the movie like when Ender and the other launchies run naked in the locker room, and also when Ender is naked and he gets into a fight with Bonzo. Also, the part where Bean kisses Ender before he leaves. Some events that were added to the movie, but not in the book, was talking to the queen bugger and shooting with Petra. And one more thing I noticed was the battle room wasn’t as big as I thought it would be I the book it was like there was a lot of battle rooms not just only one. In the book and the movie the characters are Bernard, Ender, Petra, Valentine, Peter, Craff, Dink, Mazer Rackham, Bean, Alai, Anderson, Sergeant Dap, and lastly Bonzo. This Story takes place at enders school, house, bedrooms at space school, hallways, the lunchroom, the lake, in the showers, giants drink, at the battle room, in the space shuttle, and lastly fairy land. The theme of this story was “be a good person inside and out,” also “don’t just beat your enemy, destroy them.” I would rate the book a seven because its kind of boring at some parts, but then there’s those parts that intrigue you and make you want to keep reading on and on. I would rate the movie a nine because it’s has more action I guess, I enjoyed the movie more than I enjoyed the book because to me I honestly like action and seeing everything happen I am also not much of a book lover so I don’t really like to read and have to expand my imagination. In the movie I noticed that the lines of dialogue was different from the book, in the novel Graff and Mazer seemed way more mean than in the movie. Now that you know all about the Ender’s game Book and movie I would suggest you read the book first just to understand what the Enders Game is about, and plus the book goes more into detail with all the missing parts in the movie. Then after you finish reading the book I suggest that you then watch the movie just in case you missed any events while reading the book. After the movie you could now tell the differences and similarities in the book and movie you will now be able to tell your opinion about the characters, setting, theme, dialogue, events missing and added, quotes, the director and writer, the pros and cons, and also what do you recommend for the enders game the book or the movie. This is a great way to do reviews about books and movies for others, so that they can see what others opinions are.

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