Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 26, 2013
By Kepola Ishikawa BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kepola Ishikawa BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The storybook we read and saw was Ender’s Game by: Orson Scott Card. It takes place in space in battle and command school. And most important the formic planet. There Ender grew exceptionally and progress well with there launches. Ender turns out to be the best commander ever to lead his troops into an unchartered territory. But him not knowing what is happening takes a toll on his mental state in the end.

The actor Asa Butterfield played Ender. He played Ender in a very unique way. He portrayed Ender how I imagined him in the book. The only thing is that he was taller then he was in the book. In the movie Ender was like the tallest boy there and in the book he was the little boy that got picked on all the time. But like in the book Ender was filled with sorrow for destruction he causes and wishes no ill to others. He is a great boy because he is very kind to others and never starts anything. He is also a great person because he makes sacrifices that he knows needs to be made. I know that Ender doesn’t hate Graff for not telling him what was really happening him, because he realizes that it was the only way. Though, he was so crushed by the thought of him wiping out an entire race. He also is very forgiving and understands when people hate him. Finally, Ender seems that he has a bad side to him, a killing side and knows that he shouldn’t be like that and feels really bad every time that side comes out. I also would have thought that Petra was the only girl in Command School but in the movie there were a lot of girls that were launchies.

The differences between the book and the movie were that in the book Bonzo died and in the movie they were just fixing him up. I think that the director did that because if Bonzo had died then people might start hating the movie because they liked the character or it would have changed the movie drastically and they would have to add more sense into the movie and it would get long, boring, and off point. They also took out the Demostoneses and Locke’s part out. I think that the director choose to take that part out because it was kind of in relatent to the whole story and it didn’t start or case anything. It was like a side story in the book. Also Peter, Ender’s older brother only appeared ones in the beginning of the story and then he was never in it again. I think that Peter was a big part in the story and that he should have been in it more. I don’t know why the director did that but he should have put peter in the movie more.

I think that the book was better than the movie because the movie forgot a lot of things that happen in the book. If I hadn’t read the book then I would have probably liked the movie a lot better. I thought the graphics were very nice and they made the scenes. Some lines of dialogue were in the movie like “The enemy’s gate is down” and “There is no teacher but the enemy.” But they forgot some quotes too like “We’re people, not Thirds, turd face. You’re about as strong as a fart!” They also changed a lot of scenes too in the book, but it was probably to make the movie PG-13 so that we could watch it.

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