Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

December 16, 2013
By DrewArruda-Akine BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
DrewArruda-Akine BRONZE, Hilo, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Catching Fire

“Catching Fire”, is a story of a girl that has been recently been released from a brutal game that she won. And she is on her way to travel all the districts. Her home is district 12. There are businesses there, such as coal mining and the black market that everyone in the district goes to to get food and other items. And now she is on this new adventure.

At district 12, I think that the movie had a great idea of what it was and how it was meant to look. There was the black market and it was described with detail. For example the book said that it was dark and there were many people in it from all over the district. Also they showed the part of when the new peacekeepers came and burnt it down.

The capital though, wasn’t as how I expected it to look. I think that I feel that way because it was so different from what every thing else was and it was more, flashy as in lights. When Katniss went to the capitol, she was invited to a party and that’s the part that wasn’t what it was described. From reading the book I thought of it being inside of a building but in the movie it was outside like and wasn’t really in a building. I think that the producers didn’t have the time to put this together as much as the book said because it was either too much money or it would make the movie too long.

In the book, it states that there was water and that there were rock walls and things like that. I think that the movie perfectly described the arena. It’s almost exactly how I imagined it. Also the jungle was another part of the book that the movie had. Overall I think that the movie had a somewhat bad thought of the settings in the book because most of the settings wasn’t there and wasn’t described fully.

One part of the plot was the tributes that were going to protect Katniss and act as her friends. The story goes that Katniss didn’t want to create friends and just cared about Peeta. In the movie I was able to tell that that was how Katniss felt for Peeta and how she didn’t care about anything else.

The rebels planned to take Katniss out of the arena and take her to district 13. In the book, it said that Katniss had shot the arrow that was electrified with the lightning that was hitting the tree at the force field that was guarding the arena and trapping the tributes inside. This then lead to the rebel ship picking up Katniss, and taking her to district 13. These parts were described fully and placed well in the movie. An example of some of the descriptions is the idea of Katniss not knowing the plan to get her out of the arena. I think that the movie had followed up on the book with this part really good. It was almost exactly what the book and described the story.

Caring for others and not being self-centered is one of the themes from both the book and the movie. I think this because the story goes that Katniss cared for her family and her friends before herself. And she wasn’t greedy enough to let other people die for her to live. In the movie it showed that Katniss thought that if it ever came down to her and Peeta in the arena, she would kill herself for him to live. That was one of the parts that the movie had, and it shows how Katniss cared for others beside herself. I think that the movie had done well on this theme by the way Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) acted as though she only cared for Peeta.

Katniss was well described in the movie as the book described her. Both the movie and the book states that she was the kind of person that would do anything in her power to keep her family and friends safe. Her thoughts were expressed through out the movie, but not all of them because the movie would be too long and boring. An example is the way she had showed her feelings toward Peeta, although she didn’t like him. And that part placed in the movie, and it showed her expressing her feelings.

Out of all of this, I think that the movie had a good point of view of what the story was about. It had very great parts in there that was in the book, but there still there were parts that they didn’t include that was pretty good. But in all conclusions this movie got the story across.

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