Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

January 7, 2014
By Daisy578 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Daisy578 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Catching Fire

Catching Fire, the movie, is equally as superb as the book. In the sequel to The Hunger Games, it has been half a year since Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark won the Hunger Games. They thought that the worst of their journey was over only to find out they had to go back into the arena. This movie is great because of the director, the plot, and most importantly, the characters in it.
Catching Fire became the top Thanksgiving title earning an astonishing amount, $110.2 million. The director of this film, Francis Lawrence, is known for directing and producing other famous movies such as I Am Legend and Water For Elephants. All of his work is admirable and Catching Fire has not disappointed the fans of the popular book series. The scenes in the movie are very well played out and the movie itself is perfectly paced.

Jennifer Lawrence is an outstanding actress who plays the main character, Katniss. She portrays the leading role exactly as a reader of The Hunger Games trilogy would have imagined, perhaps even better. She plays along side the other two central characters, Josh Hutcherson as Peeta, and Liam Hemsworth as Gale. Both of these males perform well and have the female population fawning over them. They all have bright futures ahead of them.

The genre of this motion picture is considered action. There are a few violent scenes in this film that are cringe worthy and may even bring the viewer to tears, but this makes the film more realistic. The costume designs are quite brilliant in Catching Fire. Bringing the capital citizens outrageous style to life must have been a difficult task for the costume designers of the movie.
As a big fan of music, the soundtrack of a movie is highly important and the music for this film is certainly impressive. The soundtrack features current favorite artists such as Lorde, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay and many others. The songs on the album fit into the Indie Rock category. They correspond with the dark dystopian aspect of the film.

Ultimately, Catching Fire was an amazing film. There were many qualities which make a movie great, and this film has all of them. Admirers of The Hunger Games Trilogy had to wait over a year in anticipation to see this movie and it was definitely worth it. The sequel to the Hunger Games will leave you hungry for more.

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