8 Mile | Teen Ink

8 Mile

January 7, 2014
By dyllpickle BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
dyllpickle BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

2 December, 2013
8 mile
This movie is about a man, jimmy smith, he lived with his girlfriend but she didn’t want him to live there anymore, so he moved in with his mom. His mother lives in a mobile home and recently met one of a boy from jimmy’s high school, at bingo. Jimmy’s best friend David “future” porter is a rap host at a place called the Shelter. Jimmy’s friends ,and mother, gave him the nickname b. rabbit which later becomes his rap name. the movie starts out with rabbit at the Shelter which is also where the movie ends. Rabbit is a rapper but is always afraid of messing up and looking like a fool it is hard for him. At home isn’t any easier, his little sister doesn’t have a very good life, so he has a friend trying to help him with a record deal so he can change all of that. And Greg Buehl, a boy he went to school with, is in a relationship with rabbits mother. Rabbit practices his raps while he doing his job working in a factory. Everyday a lunch truck stops by the factory so the workers can buy something to eat. One day a rap off breaks out at the lunch truck, and Rabbit intervenes and by beating the guy, rabbit got the courage he needed to beat other rappers at the Shelter. But when he goes to the Shelter he gets nervous and runs out. Later on, his buddy stabs him in the back so he beats him up which leads to a disaster. A couple of the rappers from the shelter stop by his home and jump him right in front of his little sister, at that point he had enough so he goes to the Shelter and shows the all up, and so he walks away which ends the movie this movie was by far the best movie I have seen, a man facing so many hardships to get ahead in his life this happens to all of us but not everyone notices.

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