World Full of Z's | Teen Ink

World Full of Z's

January 7, 2014
By Carlosm BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Carlosm BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The well-thought out movie World War Z is like no other zombie movie because it has a fantastic ending. World War Z was directed by Marc Foster and was based off the book that came out in 2006. World War Z stars Brad Pitt as the man who searches for the cure to the zombie virus. The movie began as a normal zombie movie but, ends with a great resolution, because it did not end with a cure for the zombie virus, but a medicine that makes humans immune to the virus. Once the humans were immune they started a mass destruction of zombies. This ending was so unique and interesting, because most zombie movies end without a cure to the virus. The 123 minutes of the movie was all that was needed to make an interesting, successful film.

The plot of the movie is similar to any other typical zombie movie, because the Earth ends up getting overrun by zombies. The distinction from this movie to others that I really enjoyed was that the zombies were picky. They didn’t infect old people, or sick people. This information helped Gerry Lane or Brad Pitt, find the medicine for immunity. For Gerry Lane it took a lot of hard work to find this medicine because he had to leave his family in the middle of the ocean with the US government and travel the world of Z’s. Gerry finally made it to a scientific facility in the end where he injects himself with a curable illness and the zombie next to him lets him be. The movie ends with Gerry saying, “This isn’t the end; not even close.”

The story was almost perfect, but it had a weak beginning. The viewers never really knew the origin of the virus or how it spread so quickly. The viewers only had a little part of the movie where it showed Gerry studying a burnt room where a doctor got bitten by a sick patient and both went insane. The remains of those zombies were left burnt in that room so it did not make sense if that was the origin or not. Despite these reasons, this movie is definitely the best one on the market.

After watching this movie I immediately told my brother, “This was awesome”. I had never watched a zombie movie that was as diverse as this one. As the main character Gerry Lane traveled the world, Marc Foster made it so that the viewers could see in great detail how each different place looked like. He also showed the ten second process of when a human’s body cracks then turns into a zombie. Marc Foster could not have a chosen a better cast because each actor played perfectly played their role.

World War Z is a movie appropriate for teenagers and adults. I would recommend this movie to people who are fans The Walking Dead, Zombieland, or any other apocalypse movie. World War Z received 7.2 out of 10 from IMDB. So, if you are looking for a good exciting movie to watch I would recommend World War Z.

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