Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

January 7, 2014
By Joana123 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Joana123 BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Catching Fire Movie Review

On November 22, 2013 the sequel to the Hunger games, Catching fire, was released. Entertainment weekly reported that Catching Fire, hit 31.1 million dollars of the bat. The fans were excited to hear that a sequel l to their beloved movie, the Hunger Games was going to hit movie theaters all around the world.

The story starts off where the Hunger Games, left of. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) wants to go back to her normal life in District 12, but that seems to be impossible because of the pact that she made with Peeta Mellark ( Josh Hutcherson). The pact that they made was that they were going to continue to be a couple so they can both get out of the Hunger Games alive.They look up to her because she made District 12 notice along with Peeta.They both made District 12 well known and they both have become hope for there people.
Right when they were starting to get comfortable again President Snow announces the 74th annual Hunger Games witch the all-stars were going to compete.She then again but this time not only for herself but this time for District 12 and her sister,so that someday the government system will change.

Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen) did an amazing job in Catching fire. She made the audience feel the pain she felt when they were killing people in front of her. She made the people believe and brought the audience along with her for the experience. Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark) also did a splendid.Even though in the movie no one really did believe in him and he was getting hurt along the way he was very strong actor.

Right off the bat, Catching Fire starts off with action and suspense when President Snow tells them that they have to play in the Hunger Games again. This movie is heart warming and is so much better than the first Hunger Games.I highly recommend this to everyone that liked the first Hunger
Games and that is a fan. Watch this movie you won't regret it.

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