Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

January 7, 2014
By KyliC BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
KyliC BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On November 22, 2013, Catching Fire was released in theaters all around the United States.
The two hour and twentysix
minute film directed by Francis Lawrence is a definite crowd pleaser. Fans
were excited to see the sequel to the Hunger Games, and now cannot wait to see Mockingjay. The
film is taken to a whole new level and is very emotional. In a few scenes, tears are brought to one’s
eyes. The director did a stunning job of directing. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, returning actors,
and new actors do a great job of acting throughout the movie. Their acting stands out because it all
seems realistic. Catching Fire is a must see, as well as appropriate for most ages.
Catching Fire is really on fire and has done twice as good as the Hunger Games. Katniss
Everdeen and Peeta Mellark are required to leave their families and close friends in District 12 for a
“Victor’s Tour” around the other districts. They must perform a speech at each district, with the Capitol
being their last stop. The two young characters turn into the targets of the Capitol after their victory of
the hunger games the previous year. President Snow plans the 75th annual Hunger Games. The Hunger
Games could be changed forever. Throughout the film, they protect each other, at any cost, including
sacrificing their own life. One will be left in frustration and agony when they view the film. Catching
Fire has a shocking ending, leaving us craving to see what is next!
Katniss Everdeen is the life of the movie. Her personality, costumes, bravery, and intensity
brings everything together. She is not afraid to speak her mind and remains true to herself. Katniss is
able to change the moods and touch the hearts of others. The young woman is an inspiration to many in
the districts because of her bravery. Even when she is torn apart, her smile brightens up the room.
Peeta Mellark plays a big role, alongside Katniss Everdeen. The relationship between the two
of them is easy to believe after Katniss was given undesired orders by the president. However, Katniss
has a lover back home, Gale Hawthorne. Katniss and Peeta are able to fool the Districts of Panem,
including the Capitol, that the two of them have a strong, loving, and devoted relationship, that is not all
real. Katniss does not have the same affection towards Peeta that Peeta has for her. There is a variety
of events that brings the two closer together.
Overall, the movie is smoothly and greatly directed. It supplies many surprises and keeps the
audience engaged. The intensity of the film is clearly heard and seen in every movement an actor makes.
The storyline has one’s undivided attention. Catching Fire is like no other? it is not predictable in any
way. In the film, actors demonstrate what they are capable of by amazing the audience. Expectations for
the Hunger Games rise with this film. Now fans are waiting to see what Mockingjay will bring to the
big screen in 2014.

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