For Colored Girls | Teen Ink

For Colored Girls

January 10, 2014
By Mirriah12 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
Mirriah12 BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
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Favorite Quote:
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

For Colored Girls is based on the 1975 play which was originally titled “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enough.” This movie tells the story of eight women who are experiencing difficult times in their life. These women are all represented by a color, and as their stories are told you will find out why their specific color fits them best.

This movie is honestly one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It is extremely compelling and heart wrenching. These women are going through so much in their lives, and they have still maintained bravery throughout the whole movie to stay alive to be strong, not only for themselves but for the people who love them. I am very supportive of this film because it is extremely moving and it explains the daily trials of an African American woman. Each of the women stories are embedded with things such as rape, and abandonment.

There are many details that create an excellent movie. One criterion on my list of having a great movie is great casting, what actors and actresses can best play the part of their given role. You wouldn’t want Kevin Hart playing a role of someone who is serious and dignified because his normal role is to portray someone comical and foolish. Another criterion of delivering a great movie is soundtrack; whether or not the music goes with the story, if it’s a romantic story, then you wouldn’t want to hear heavy metal or rock and roll. Also, a good script is important; does the director give proper roles to the right characters? Is the script original? And does the script fit the storyline? Last but not least the overall plot of a movie is significant. The plot is a sequence of events that make up a good story; it also keeps the viewers interested.

The movie has an outstanding female cast such as; Janet Jackson, Thandie Newton, Anika Nani Rose, Loretta Devine, Kerry Washington, Tessa Thompson, Kimberly Elise, Whoopi Goldberg, and Phylicia Rashad. There are also some supporting cast members who played their roles very well. The costumes well represent each character, you can tell what they do and why they have a certain attitude all by what they are wearing. The film is very dynamic and realistic. You will feel every emotion that the characters are feeling because the movie has such a personal touch.

Many critics may think that it was a horrible idea for director, Tyler Perry to transform the original story into a movie rather than keep its original history as a play. I certainly think that it was good idea because I feel that movies are much more accepted by people these days rather than plays. Also I feel that it’s a powerful message that will have a greater audience if it’s a movie. A film captures emotions much better and the characters in a movie are much more developed. The director did a great job meeting my criteria for an amazing movie.

For Colored Girls is one of those movies where you can see it a million times and it never gets old. This movie is definitely in my all time favorite movie collection. All the components of this film come together to create a mixture of action, drama, and numerous emotions. The movie also makes you consider that women go through a lot, and some actually consider suicide, but they have chosen to stay on the path of positivity.
I’m sure this movie will appeal to you and maybe even make you shed a few tears, just like I did.

The author's comments:
The movie For Colored Girls is such a compelling story. This movie was very creative and it greatly makes you consider the trials of being a woman.

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