42 The Jackie Robinson Story | Teen Ink

42 The Jackie Robinson Story

January 16, 2014
By taylorsullivan BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
taylorsullivan BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The movie 42 is a true story about the life of Jackie Robinson. The first African-American to ever play in the MLB, and the struggles he went through to help fight against discrimination and segregation. At first, Jackie struggles against his nature to endure abuse without a complaint, but he finds allies and hope where he least expects it. And with Jackie’s motivation and determination he helps build hope and paves the way for many colored children with a dream of playing professional baseball. I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone it is a truly remarkable film. I think this movie is very motivating and it spoke to me in a way that, if no one believes in you, believe in yourself, because anything is possible.

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