Prisoners | Teen Ink


February 13, 2014
By mblue BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
mblue BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prisoners: The Ultimate Cliff-Hanger

Everyone loves a great thriller: sitting on the edge of your seat shoving popcorn down your throat and eventually biting your nails off. Prisoners is just that - it’s jam-packed with suspense like a bomb about to explode. But why? Two kidnappings.

The imaginable, yet terrifying, plot line is one of the best aspects of this action-packed film. Thanksgiving was the big day: two typical families lose their little girls. Hope is what keeps them together, but as the days drag on, that dwindles down to a tiny spec of dust. The characters in Prisoners are incredibly easy to relate to. Parents can especially relate to the parents in the movie (just imagine if your baby was kidnapped…). Tying emotion into every scene of this movie really keeps the audience engaged (like I said, nail-biter!).
Although the writers of this fab film were masterminds, the cast really nailed it. Hugh Jackman does an award-winning job of portraying a loving father who refuses to lose hope when his little girl goes missing - just picture a dog searching for his long-lost bone and you’ll get the point. Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bello, Melissa Leo, and Terrence Howard are some of the other cast members that really put this story into action.
This wild motion picture does a notable job of drawing emotion between the characters and viewers. You become attached to them and wouldn't dare stop watching until you found out what happened to them in the end. Prisoners gets a 10 out of 10 in my book, but I would urge you to watch and see for yourself!

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