Raiders of the Lost Ark | Teen Ink

Raiders of the Lost Ark

February 20, 2014
By 1064148 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1064148 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Raiders of the Lost Ark” is a fantastic film that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Directed by Steven Spielberg, this movie has a little bit for everyone. Although it's genre is action and adventure (which it definitely is) there is also romance and comedy in this film. It is an action packed adventure with the one and only Indiana Jones.
The film starts out on a mission in South America in a dark forest and Indiana is on another one of his famous missions to recover yet another lost artifact. We encounter his arch rival, Belloq. Once back in the states, Jones is confronted by government officials that tell him about how the Nazis want the Ark of the Covenant, that can make an army undefeatable. So Indiana Jones heads out to find the Ark.
This fast moving movie has plenty of action. Indian Jones risks his life throughout it and is up against terrible people. This 1981 classic has gorgeous sets that fit well with the script. The lighting goes well with the mood and tone of the scene. I liked that there was subtle hits of comedy throughout the script and the way Indiana would appear (a shadow on the wall).
Background music always played and eventually it got annoying. Also, this movie was too predictably, I like a little surprise. Of course Indiana Jones is going to continue and be relentless. The dialogue was okay, it could have been more intense in the tense moments.
Indiana Jones is played by Harris Ford. He acts his part well but speaks not as much as he could. Marion (Indiana’s partner and his love interest) is Karen Allen is a wonderful, beautiful actress and makes scenes so much more intriguing. Paul Freeman is Belloq and does a good job at being the bad guy, although you cannot understand his accents at times.
Overall, I found “Raiders of the Lost Ark” a good movie. It was original, and action filled adventure, but lacked surprise and interesting dialogue.

The author's comments:
I'm Allison from Columbine High School.

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