West Side Story | Teen Ink

West Side Story

February 20, 2014
By kaymichelle BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
kaymichelle BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In this Oscar-winning musical phenomenon, two star-crossed lovers, Maria (Natalie Wood), and Tony (Richard Beymer) find themselves in a turf war between rival street gangs in the tenements of New York City when they fall in love at a party. The film opens in an overhead view of Manhattan which sets both the tone and the mood of this emotion-ridden musical. Tony and Maria fall helplessly and madly in a forbidden love with feuding families, which sparks potential violence and controversy between the two gangs; the Puerto Ricans (Sharks) and the Americans (Jets).

This classic thriller is an adaptation of the romantic yet timeless novel of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet but with a musical twist. West Side Story does a fascinating job of portraying the same love that Romeo and Juliet once displayed, but in the perspective of a musical. For instance, in both works of art, the main characters fall in love at a party and plan to escape the violence throughout the streets and end up experiencing a tragedy. This unique relationship between Shakespeare’s novel and the directors (Robert Wise and Jerome Robbins) of West Side Story keeps the viewers enticed and entertained throughout this marvelous film. This allows viewers to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of how love is a dangerous thing and can cause someone to go insane.
I would personally rate this film 4 stars for several reasons. First of all, although the movie was highly entertaining and enjoyable, at times the content was portrayed in a confusing way. For example, when the two gangs fight to gain control of the streets, the directors don’t display the event in a clear and precise way, which makes the viewers question what is happening. However, I really enjoyed how the music helped describe the endless love between Maria and Tony because it made the movie more interesting. Although the musical consisted of parts that were confusing, it was overall fantastic and gets better every time I view it.

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