Psycho | Teen Ink


February 21, 2014
By Bri7799 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Bri7799 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The movie Psycho created by Alfred Hitchcock, is number 14 on AFI’s top 100 movies list. Psycho is not a regular horror movie with predictable plot lines and gruesome murders, it has a gripping plot complete with drama, horror and twists. Marion crane, played by Janet Leigh, is unhappy with her life and job as a secretary at a Phoenix real estate office. When her boss gives her $40,000 to deposit in the bank, she makes a split second decision to skip town with the money and tries to get to Fairvale, California to see her love interest Sam Loomis (John Gavin). After a long night of driving, a paranoid and tired Marion pulls into the infamous Bates Motel. She is welcomed by cheerful but slightly unnerving Norman Bates, perfectly played by Anthony Perkins, who tells her she is the first guest in weeks. When Marion gets to her room, she overhears an unsettling argument between Norman and his dominating “mother”. As the plot goes on, every character is suspicious, well developed, and seems to have a story behind them. The private Investigator, Arbogast (Martin Balsam), is portrayed to have ulterior motives behind looking for missing Marion Crane. Norman Bates’s “mother” is very suspicious when Sam, Arbogast and Marion’s sister Lila Crane (Vera Miles), see her silhouette in the window even though she’s supposedly dead. Anthony perkins plays the role of Norman Bates excellently, portraying him as friendly with something off or creepy about him and something to hide.

Alfred Hitchcock does an amazing job of creating a horror film that has a twisting plot line that keeps one guessing what’s next. Although the start is very slow and seems meaningless, the end just proves that this was done to make the movie less predictable. From the beginning, it seems as though the film will be about Marion and Sam’s secret love for each other. Then, the movie takes a turn with Marion running away with the money and a patrol officer questioning and following her. This makes the audience think that this will be the story that follows through to the end. But Marion ends up in the Bates Motel and is murdered in the famous shower scene by Norman’s “mother” not even halfway through the movie. Psycho ends with the biggest twist of all for those who aren't familiar with the film. For someone who doesn't know how the movie turns out, the events are confusing but intriguing throughout the entire film.

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