Forrest Gump | Teen Ink

Forrest Gump

February 21, 2014
By Anonymous

Forrest Gump

When watching Forrest Gump for the first time ever, I was absolutely blown away. I had heard the ‘Life’s like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get’ before, but the idea of the movie had never appealed to me. Then, when scrolling through the T.V guide, I see Forrest Gump. Nothing else was on, as usual, so what could I lose right?

Forrest Gump is a movie where I was astounded that a man with a below average I.Q could actually interest me. It seemed like total cheese to be honest. An underdog story. Rocky without the violence. I have never been more wrong in my life. The story of the movie is all over the place. First he’s a kid, with Elvis before he was famous staying in his house, then he’s off to college with a football scholarship, then off to ‘Nam to fight in the endless rain. Throughout this whole epic adventure is the humor juxtaposed to the tragedy. He gets shot in the ‘but-tox’ and makes a joke about it, but then nurses Bubba as he takes his dying breath. It left me completely vulnerable and made the movie itself incredibly unpredictable. I could never see what was coming and that was probably for the best. Forrest Gump is full of pleasant surprises that left me smiling.

Forrest Gumps characters are wonderfully smile inducing. The grumpy old Lieutenant Dan who says he doesn't care but everyone knows he does. Jenny is on a wayward path, but is always a guiding force for Forrest. Bubba who was as much of a friend to Forrest as Jenny was. Then theres Forrest himself. Tom Hanks does an amazing job as this lovable character who really overcomes every obstacle despite his crooked spine and lower than average I.Q. I fell in love with every character that was in the movie. Every single one of them had a great backstory, that the writers must have spent hours making it so that anyone would fall in love. All the characters are beautifully crafted and easy to relate to, which makes the movie that much more enjoyable.

Forrest Gump is an amazing movie created by an amazing cast. It doesn't really seem like something that will profoundly change you, but it will. The movie itself is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get out of it.

The author's comments:
Just for an assignment.

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