Fargo | Teen Ink


February 21, 2014
By EmilyAnne_ BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
EmilyAnne_ BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Joel and Ethan Coen were able to create an interesting, mysterious film out of a series of unconnected events. At the beginning of Fargo a line states that the film was based off of a true story, but it was actually made from a series of unconnected events that happened in Minnesota. They were able to take a few events and connect them to form a film that had a voice and spoke for itself, Fargo was a touching, eventful filled film.
The Coen brother’s used silent moments where the camera was set on one scene to create intensity and drama. Anticipation builds up as the silence holds for a longer amount of time. It helped keep me focused, kept me watching. They also included small details that went unnoticed the first time I watched Fargo. Many scenes were shot with a character in front of a window showing cars going in and out of the town. What I took away from these repetitive moments was that, just looking at a car or a person it would be near impossible to tell if they were psychopathic or mentally ill. This helped explain how the characters got so far out of town without being noticed.
The violence and action was so real and credible. Each scene brought a new conflict to the film. Joel and Ethan Coen used three point of views in this film, which helped bring the events together. There were not any times while watching Fargo that I did not know what was happening. Each event was fully described and drawn out. This was a film that honestly changed the way I view events happening around me. Fargo is a film that I would watch over and over again because each time I watch it, I catch something I did not the time before.

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