Sound Of Music | Teen Ink

Sound Of Music

February 21, 2014
By Claire Gilbert BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Claire Gilbert BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Not every movie can make it to the Top 100 list of all time best movies, but the Sound of Music deservedly did. Watching the young children run around outside made me want to be part of the Von Trapp family. It takes place in a time when you could climb a tree and sit there for hours or kayak in a lake without worrying about your cell phone getting wet. I think a lot of Americans need to watch this movie and hopefully it will inspire them to put down their phones, iPods, laptops, and iPads and go outside to enjoy the warm air. Every time I listen to a song I will hear the Do Re Me Fa So La Te Do in the music.

Also, this movie takes place during World War 2. Captain Von Trapp was in the navy from Austria but might have to fight against his country on the German side. It is very educational about what was happening to families like this is World War 2, and not mention very entertaining with the songs. I would recommend this movie 100% to people of all ages. Children and adults will fall in love with this story.

The author's comments:
I hope that people will watch the movie and think the same thing that I did.

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