Review Raiders of the Lost Ark | Teen Ink

Review Raiders of the Lost Ark

February 21, 2014
By Elspeth Tirrel BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Elspeth Tirrel BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Raiders of the lost Ark is one of the most entertaining, fun, exciting films we have today. It was filmed in 1981 and still has people’s full attention today. Of all the many films and movies I
have seen and enjoyed, both modern and classic, this film definitely goes above and beyond my original expectations.

“Indiana Jones” is an American archaeologist and a part time teacher at a collage, also a very vulnerable hero. He regularly gets the crap beaten out of him, and he is not the indestructible, “Man of Steel.” Which is very appealing to the audience. He is prone to multiple attacks by the Henchman/Nazis This makes Indiana Jones such a great, and lovable hero.

His ultimate rival, and the Antagonist of the film is Belloq, who is a french archaeologist. He is allot like “Indy” only a little more hungry for the artifacts and rewards of his findings. Belloq will take one step further to insure the desired outcome, where-as “Indiana Jones” has limits. This makes “Belloq” an equal competitor and a great antagonist for the film.

At the beginning of the film “Indy” is in south america getting a relic for his good friend’s museum. he goes through many “booby traps” showing us his fun adventurous side before anything else. Belloq then comes in and steals it from him .this is great because it shows early contention between the two characters.

Even with the brilliant action scene right at the beginning, the film started out slow and we only got to see a little action twice for the first hour. Once the climax hits there is a short downfall and a tone more action, rising to a second greater climax. this is odd but very enjoyable, and Spielberg did an amazing job, along with his writers.

The special effects are phenomenal, and even today most computers can’t exceed the face melting scene shown when the Ark is opened up for the Nazi’s eyes. The sound effects were in sinque and toned for the audience's approval. The gun shots matched the prop being held and with little flaws they did what they were meant to do in return making the film almost flawless.

Indiana has faught Nazi’s, henchman, and even shawman. He has discovered many artifacts, and treasures of old, But nothing like the actual Ark of the Covenants. He did this not for fame or money but for a heroic mission to get it before it falls into the wrong hands. Along with Indiana’s many adventures this won a special place on the movie shelf.

The author's comments:
Indiana Jones gets 9 out of Ten stars, and is appealing to all audiences, not just guys like me.

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