Gravity | Teen Ink


March 3, 2014
By JunkPileBot BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
JunkPileBot BRONZE, Oak Creek, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes history takes things into it's own hands" ~Thurgood Marshall

Most if not all space movies we've seen have fallen into the sic-fi alien category. To me, it got boring after a while. But then, out of the blue a new type of space thriller emerged from the creative mind of Alfonso Cuaron. Gravity got audiences on edge with amazing effects, relatable characters, and great pacing that makes this flick, and eye-gluer. The first thing I'll note, is the mesmerizing cinematography. The shots through out the entire film are smooth and slow, and makes you feel like you're actually floating in space. It'll go upside down, and sideways, but not to a point where it makes you dizzy or sick to your stomach. Second, is the characters. At first, I though these characters we're a little underdeveloped. But later, I realized that they're just supposed to portray your average scientists/people. They have somewhat of an identity, so it's nothing to really gripe about. You feel their emotions and their growing fear which you start to feel as the movie progresses. Although, one small problem, I thought George Clooney's character was a little to calm throughout the movie, even though they're LOST IN SPACE! He (his character) treated it like a day at the grocery store. Speaking of which, the actors were especially good. Sandra Bullock's performance of her character slowly growing more and more unstable, and panicky was great and very relatable. Anyone would go crazy from being stranded in space. And as I said before, George Clooney's character was too laid back, but his acting was still good. He was also helpful, and supportive when he needed to, and also strict when he needed to. But the biggest thing this movie does amazingly well, is the suspense. You're constantly on the edge of your seat while all this insane destruction is happening. You want our heroes to make it through every bad thing that's thrown at them. So, to conclude, I won't give anything away, but see the movie yourself. I rate it 9/10. You certainly won't regret it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 9 2014 at 10:00 am
WrappedUpInBooks, -, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Great review! I loved this movie as well. I'm glad that I decided to watch it even after I was told that it was boring, a waste of time, and just about "some lady floating around in space for two hours". There wasn't a second during this movie that I was disinterested.