Copycat | Teen Ink

Copycat MAG

By Anonymous

   Copycat is a great new suspense thriller filled with action and horror. It stars Holly Hunter and Sigourney Weaver with co-stars Harry Connick Jr. and Dermont Mulroney. The director couldn't have picked a better group of talented actors. They portray their roles perfectly. Sigourney Weaver plays the part of a woman who is brutally attacked and survives. Holly Hunter and Dermont Mulroney play the roles of dedicated detectives who eventually connect her attack to a chain of murders.

The movie opens with Sigourney Weaver, who plays Helen Hudson, giving a presentation on how serial killers can look and act like any normal person. After her presentation, she is attacked by someone from the audience. After the assault, Helen isolates herself from the world, limiting her life to the confines of her apartment. Thirteen months pass, and a series of mysterious murders begin to take place. The murderer is repeating the pathologies of notorious serial killers. That's where the title Copycat comes in. The police involve Helen in on the case because they think it is connected to her assailant. Holly Hunter and Dermont Mulroney work with Helen to determine the serial killer's method and prevent him from committing any other murders.

If you are in the mood for an action-packed movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then I strongly suggest that you get out to the theaters and see this one

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i love this so much!