Everybody Just Needs a Bit of Cliché in Their Lives | Teen Ink

Everybody Just Needs a Bit of Cliché in Their Lives

April 11, 2014
By IdaraUdoh BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
IdaraUdoh BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody Just Needs a Bit of Cliché in Their Lives

Everybody loves cliché romance novels and movies. When I mean everybody, I’m mostly targeting it towards teenagers and adult woman. They want what the main character has, love. They crave the movies romance, because they want to be in love as well. Yes they know what love means and probably experienced it, but they want to experience cliché love. When the boy and girl meet by running into each other by accident and they “fall in love at first sight”. The girl being drawn into the stereotypical bad boy with a rough past and the father doesn’t approve of it.

Not only do woman and some men like these movies because of how it’s very cliché, they also like getting emotional. Woman love crying over sappiness, they enjoy watching “true love” bloom in front of their eyes. They want to cry, laugh, blubber over there tears and running noses all because the movie is about “true love”. It’s their dream to be in that position themselves.

Endless Love is all about the cliché teenage romance stories and sappiness. The shy sheltered rich girl and the bad boy fall in love with each other even though the girl’s father doesn’t approve of it. Since the father doesn’t approve of it, he bans his daughter from seeing the boy, so what does the girl do? She starts sneaking around and going behind the fathers back to see him. The girl starts finding her voice to fight against her father’s orders and starts rebelling. She becomes defiant and stops listening to any rule her father lays down. Why? All because she fell, in love.

Endless Love isn’t a bad movie; it’s just not as good as it can be. It is basically a remake of all teenage romance movies. Same overall plot, but just in a different type of situation. Same cliché parts left and right, nothing really being any different from all the others. There are 100’s of these movies out there, but yet these movies get tons of viewers because they just love; love. They enjoy these type of movies because their lives may be lack it this type of love, teenagers and adult woman just crave it.

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