The love of fictional romances | Teen Ink

The love of fictional romances

April 11, 2014
By beauty.rose BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
beauty.rose BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Old-fashioned paranormal romances woos very few teens who love a fictional romance.

It's a wonder why some teens find paranormal romances disinteresting. Many of the romances take place in ancient times or in the present. You never know where a good paranormal romance will take you. Teens who are exposed to such books have opened their eyes to avoid prejudices and understand what it means to truly love someone unconditionally.
The bond between young adults and paranormal romances is quite thin. Sad and depressing beginnings, action filled centers, and happy endings. Sounds like a cheesy Disney movie, right? Phantom would prove you wrong. Randall's Phantom is a very descriptive and very detailed book about a noble lad who died and resurrected, not as a zombie like in Warm Bodies, but as a half human half phantom child. Blue eyed Dax died at twelve when he awoke he met a stranger who took him in as his own. The stranger was like Dax; green eyed and everything. Yes, I said green; Dax's eyes changed when the phantom awoke to save him from death. Sound like a Twilight movie, yet? You'd be surprised.
P.C. Cast and Kirstin Cast's House of Night series makes Twilight cry and run in shame. This book series has a sad beginning and continues to have a wonderful action filled center. This continuing series is a definite page turner; a nocturnal high school for its nocturnal students. Fighting to survive and trying to fit in, Zoey Redbird struggles with balancing her position as Priestess in Training and fitting in with the other students. Her goddess, Nyx, decides to choose her as her main priestess so she "marks" Zoey with intricate tattoos showing how special she truly is to her. Sounds like a good episode of The Vampire Diaries, huh? Maybe.
The Vampire Diaries is a fairly good and very interesting television show. A girl, Elena, is in love with a vampire, and his brother, is in love with the same girl; complicated, huh? Not for her. She chooses her true love over his brother and fights through everything just to be with him and to send everyday with him. That’s a good version of the Twilight series; except its better than that. Nina Dobrev is much more beautiful and a much better actress than Kirstin Stewart. The Vampire Diaries is a perfect example of a very good and very detailed paranormal romance and I hope it continues on for a while longer.

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