Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By Mondoro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Mondoro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
(2.2.2-3), Romeo by William Shakespeare

The Tale of a Frozen Heart Being Thawed

The children and family movie genre is extremely popular. Many people adults, teens, and children watch and enjoy this genre. People like this particular genre because it has the funny cute and enjoyable moments and it even gives kids an imagination. These movies in this genre gets people to laugh a lot and that’s what gets them to watch more movies in the children and family genre.

The film Frozen fit into this genre mainly for its rating which is PG. That says that it is appropriate for little kids with parental guidance. It’s a funny and enjoyable movie that’s also sad at parts. Sometimes that teens and adult that watch these movies can relate to them and that a reason for why they watch them. Even though it’s an animation movie it’s still popular. It’s also somewhat a good vs. evil film.

The movie Frozen starts out with the two main characters Elsa and Anna as little kids. Elsa uses her power for fun and games. She makes snow and ice and her sister loves to build a snowman. But suddenly all the fun goes away when Anna gets struck in the head with Elsa’s power. The king and queen, Anna and Elsa’s parents, take their kids to trolls and find a way to heal Anna. While there Elsa is told to be very careful with the power, to control it, and is told that it should never strike someone in the heart because they could freeze forever. When the kids become teenagers the king a queen take a ship to go somewhere but they die in a storm. Three years latter Elsa gets made Queen of Airedale. Then Elsa gets upset and her power takes control and she gets freaked out and run but Anna goes after her.

Frozen is a child friendly ad funny movie. It has princesses, princes, reindeer, and snowman. This movie shows the struggle of Elsa wanting to be who she is supposed to be but at the same time wanting to show who she really is. As a little girl Elsa is told “conceal don’t feel” and “be the good girl you always have to be.” Then there’s Anna just wanting to find love. She falls for one guy in the beginning but towards the end finds out all he wants to take over Airedale and take away Elsa and Anna’s power in ruling. Then Anna finds someone else she likes. Christophe, that guy Anna starts to like in the end, helps Anna find her sister in the mountains and tries to convince her to go back to Airedale. During the sisters conversation Elsa loses control and her power strikes Anna in the heart. But in the end Elsa saves Anna’s life through an act of true love. So basically what this movie is saying is be yourself, love who you love, and know that family will always be there for you no matter what happens.

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