Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen | Teen Ink

Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen

April 11, 2014
By BMACK991 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
BMACK991 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Revenge of the Fallen

An action packed film that surprises you at every turn. The Transformers series still provide quality entertainment for any age group while still remaining very entertaining.

The “thriller genre is quite popular with most age groups today. The movie is appropriate for the kids to watch but also still entertains adults. The popularity of this genre is somewhere between extremely popular and the average movie. Overall the movie is highly rated and deserves it.

The movie most definitely is a thriller. With complicated and intense CGI graphics portraying the action throughout the movie; you are sure to be glued to your seat. Not only do you find yourself having empathy towards the characters in time of need but you cheer them on to victory. The plot is very well thought out and is not repetitive.

The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a well thought out and executed movie. Clearly a lot of time and money went into it to make it such a great film.

The author's comments:
Movie review for my English class.

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