The Breakfast Club | Teen Ink

The Breakfast Club

April 11, 2014
By TannerR. BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
TannerR. BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die." -The Sandlot

Teenage Rebellion: Is The Breakfast Club still relevant?

Comedy in movies is extremely popular among teenagers today. This is especially true for comedies based on teenage rebellion. This genre is so popular among teens because it helps them express their feelings and dreams of breaking free from the world they live in filled with rules and regulations. People are usually more interested in movies they can relate to or can wish they could be a part of.

This is true for many different genres of movies and helps people understand and like or dislike characters more. A great example of this genre is The Breakfast Club. This movie is still popular among teens despite being nearly 30 years old! This movie is the quintessence of teenage rebellion and displays it perfectly.

The Breakfast Club is about five different stereotypical kids who get stuck in Saturday morning detention together and end up making the best of it. All of the students spend their time working together to rebel against the supervisor and have a good time. This film is one of many great movies in the teenage rebellion area of comedy. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is another. In this movie, Ferris Bueller ditches school to go do anything he wants for a day.

The movie The Breakfast Club is easily one of the most memorable movies in all of comedy. After nearly thirty years, it still manages to make any age laugh! This is one pf the few movies that is watching once is just not enough! The movie perfectly describes and characterizes each person and makes this movie developed extremely well. This movie, to this day, has all generations laughing! The Breakfast Club is, to this day, extremely relevant in society.

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