The Fairy tale Dream | Teen Ink

The Fairy tale Dream

April 18, 2014
By Alissa91 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Alissa91 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever just wanted to hurt that one person that annoyed everyone? Well now in the Purge people can. The movie is a Dystopia where once a year for 12 hours all crime is legal. The horror film genre is the most popular film to be made. The Purge will forever change families all over the world.

The Purge is one of the many horror movies. The Purge wasn’t very scary; it was more suspenseful. Suspenseful is a sub-genre of horror. If the movie has scary stuff constantly then it is a horror movie. Maybe for other people it wasn’t scary; the movie will depend on the person. Many people went into the purge very disappointed because they were going in to it thinking it was going to be something like Saw. Saw is very gory and scary. The Purge wasn’t as gory and scary; it was creepier than anything else. In horror movies there are always people that always hid in the most ridicules spot. In the Purge, there was a mastermind little boy that actually had a good hiding space, made the movie more enjoyable. Characters need to hide from the villains in the best hiding spot.

Horror movies are aimed towards the young adults and teenagers. Teenagers have a lot of energy and with that energy they are usually adrenaline junkies. They love the feeling of the rush. Ever had the feeling that the creak in someone’s house or the door being shut all by itself is someone stealing or kidnapping someone? Most teenagers have that feeling of thinking some is breaking in to their home. Everyone has their own little bubble or space that is there’s. If someone invades that, they are violating their bubble or space. In the Purge, this little boy let an innocent man into their home during the Purge and the man just goes through the house while the family is looking for this sketchy guy. The little boy believed this man to be a good man but that was the opposite. Or so they thought.

The Purge was an excellent thought out movie. The government made it where one day a year for 12 hours during the night all crime is legal and no police, prison, or hospital will be able to help you. The Purge let people kill the people in poverty. The ones that didn’t have a house. People would describe the people in poverty as that there were the scum of the earth. The Purge had crime rates down to the lowest they’ve ever seen them. Employment rate was the highest it’s ever been. This family was in a very wealthy neighborhood and during the Purge a homeless man was being chased by this group that looks for homeless people to kill. The homeless man was let in to a house by a little boy confused about why the Purge happens. Once he got in their house he hid in the house by the little boy showing him where to go with his little nifty machine. The group that was chasing after him now wanted him back and the family had a set amount of time to get him back out. By the end of the movie the family finds out that there very nice neighbors are the ones that were trying to get into the house to kill the homeless man.

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