Mockingjay. Book? or Movie? | Teen Ink

Mockingjay. Book? or Movie?

December 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Mockingjay. Book? or Movie?

Katniss Everdeen. The girl on fire says “If we burn, you burn too.” Basically what happened was Peeta has been hijacked by the capitol and has reason to believe that Katniss is a terrible person in a life threatening way. She is also having a hard time choosing between Gale or Peeta after both of their heart felt time and sacrifice with her in her journey. While this is going on she is trying to spark up enough rebellion to take over the capitol by going to different districts, working with the people and getting to know them and their perspective. In my opinion it?s all about your personal preference because a lot of people I know including me aren?t much readers and don?t enjoy reading as much as others. So if you have a hard time reading and had a harder time understanding the book than you probably would like the movie. If you like and enjoy reading than the book might be a better choice because it tells you more.  So for me I think the book was still better because they stop you at a bad spot on the movie.
I think the first difference was where they opened the movie in the laundry room because in the book they opened it in District 12. The book also said that Boggs was a white guy but in the book he turns out to be a black guy. Cressida in the book sounded like she was a nice normal looking person but instead in the movie on the side of her head she?s bald. In the book while Finnick and Katniss are in the bunker he shows Katniss how he takes his mind off of things by tying knots but in the movie it just shows him tying knots and then she just starts tying knots. In the book they also talk about how President snow used poison to take out most of his political enemy?s but instead of him telling her he broadcasts the whole thing in front of the Capitol during a propo. I think for the casting they did a good job because each character in my opinion seems to match who they are except for Cressida. I think the ending spot in the movie is really junk because it left you way too open ended. I think they should have went on up to the part when they take Katniss to the Nut.
In my opinion this a was a decent book and movie because it had a good story. I think the only downside was that the book was too long. It was about 400 pages so if you?re a fast reader and like the Hunger Games Trilogy then you should definitely read this book but if you have to do a book report and want something easy and fast than this book isn?t the one. I think students should read the book before watching the movie because there?s a lot of things the movie doesn?t show. Also for this movie you should wait for part 2 because like I said before it just leaves too open ended and in the book you also read it. Overall it was a good book and had a good story even with its flaws.


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