MockingJay Part 1 | Teen Ink

MockingJay Part 1

December 5, 2014
By Pomai BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Pomai BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
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Being the MockingJay comes with a price, and how far does Katniss have to go to keep the ones she loves alive but the ones she hates dead? Mockingjay follows the story events that happen following the Quarter Quell from Catching Fire. Katniss and the rest of the refugees from District 12 find themselves in the underground District 13. Katniss agrees to be the MockingJay and face of the rebellion against the tyrannical Capitol. Her world has altered after suffering the trauma  from the games while trying to figure out what happen and if Peeta is still alive. If you read the entire book of MockingJay and then watch the movie you may be leave the theater with a feeling of wanting more. But both the movie and book are well written and played out. Although the book may give more detail and story events the movie provoked more feeling.
The book and the movie events are the same with slight changes. Little details such as the strict schedules in District 13 and dialogue that appeared in the book were not in the movie. Also in the movie Katniss does not have a prep team instead she has Effie who reappears from Catching Fire and Hunger Games. The book does not describe the uproar in District 7 where they kill the Peacekeepers or how the districts took out the dam to cut the power but it is in the movie. Other than these events most of the book and movie line up well.

The performances by the actors were exceptional which arouse feeling and brought life to the book. The roles of Coin and the propo team could have been chosen better to resemble what the book says. Francis Lawrence, the director of the movie, effectively portrayed the scenes in District 8 and in District 13 better than the book did which engaged me into the movie. The novel ends before the movie cuts off. And if you read the novel and then watching the movie you feel like you are one watching half a movie. Personally I would have condensed the movie into one part, but it may have had less detail. The worst part about separating the movie is knowing what happens in the later part of the novel but not being able to see it. Although you feel like you walk out wanting to watch the rest of the book it was a smart place to leave the movie because it wraps up the story line and caps the idea of the first part.

If you liked the previous books and movies you will also enjoy this one. The movie personally displayed more feeling which the characters displayed well. Being able to see the events on the big screen is better than picturing scenes in your mind. The movie brings the book to life which to me is why the movie is better. The movie made the dull parts of the book exciting and captivating. The action and emotion provoking events keeps you intrigued in the story line. If you are like me a visual person, go watch the movie first and then read the book if you want more detail. The movie shows more action, emotion and plays out the story well.

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