Mockingjay | Teen Ink


December 12, 2014
By Rusty Bowman BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
Rusty Bowman BRONZE, Keeau, Hawaii
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“It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.” says Finnick Odair in the novel Mockingjay. In the novel Katniss basically tries to build herself back up while trying to rebuild his relationship with Peeta, because he was captured and poisoned. The whole book is about not only Katniss but the revolution against the Capitol. I feel like the novel was a lot better. If you didn’t read the book , you’re my age, and you’re watching the movie you’d get confused with all the symbols real quick. The mood of the movie was appropriate but a little overdone. Scenes are short compared to the book but the movie is still long.


The movie and the book are different in some events. Such as Katniss’ makeup crew. Katniss’ finds her crew in a level locked up and tortured. In the movie Effie is found and doesn’t want to come out because of the restrictions on food and clothes. Because Effie is her prep team there is some new events that transpire from that. Such as Effie sizing up Coin and her looks. There is an event in the book where Katniss sings the Hanging Tree in the woods, hugging a tree, with her camera crew. In the movie they are by some river and she sings there.  I thought Boggs was cool but in the book they describe him as some beefy guy. I think they could have chosen a bigger, buffer Boggs. For Cressida I feel like they should have chosen someone who had more vision which is what a director is supposed to have. I didn’t like Pollux. I don’t know why but I felt like there is a better actor that can’t talk. Also the movie pretty much is Katniss going “PEETA WHY ARE YOU GONE?” or “I’M SO EMOTIONAL!”. It really made the movie awkward and emotional which I guess the movie was like. Though directors have different points of view than others. At the end of the movie it left us with a gruesome scene of anorexic Peeta struggling in the bed. The difference between the book and the movie was that Katniss walks with Haymitch and officers to go see Peeta instead of her randomly jumping out of bed and seeing Peeta. I feel as if they’re were better places to stop. They should have stopped somewhere where we felt like “WOW, what a great movie I can’t wait till the next part!” instead they give us “ewwwww, well now I have to watch the next movie”. Because really I didn’t want to see that. I wanted a prettier ending, a ending that would give me hope for the rebellion.

I like the novel better. The thing is the book has so much little details that the movie really needed but couldn’t include because of the length of the film. Other than that you don’t have to pay for the next part of the movie when you already have the book. In the book you can see the things the movie missed. Which is why I recommend the book. Why waste your time waiting in a line or your money for a movie that isn’t as good as the book? Just buy the book and watch the movie if you want to see the characters. Other than that the only reasons why I would watch the movie is to see the differences between the book and movie and to listen to Katniss sing The Hanging Tree because it was pretty good.

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