Mocking jay | Teen Ink

Mocking jay

December 15, 2014
By Alexisykh BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Alexisykh BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The book Mocking Jay is way better than the movie.  In the movie some of the characters didn’t look how I thought they would like Boggs I thought he would have had light colored skin but he ended up being a darker color skin color I also thought he would be more muscular considering it was one of the main person in charge of the groups.  In the beginning Peeta looked pretty decent but in the end you could see a big difference then he looked kind of weird.  Though they didn’t look how I thought they looked Gale excited my expectations he ended up being this super hot guy.
         While watching the movie I had noticed some parts missing the movie.  One part missing was that Katniss didn?t find her crew being tortured for stealing a piece of bread.  I think this part was missing because it was a little inapropiate because they where naked and beaten badly.  There isn?t the parts where you see the prep team getting tortured by district 13 for stealing bread.  I think that would be an important part to be shown because that is the stuff she had to think about when peeta said do you really know whom you could trust.  Another part that was missing was Katniss hitting Boggs in the nose and breaking it.  This was an important part because this is one big reason that made her trust him because he didn?t tell Coin that Katniss had disobeyed him.
         I recommend reading the book because you can get a better understanding of it and picture things better because it had more detail and you also see how they felt.  The book had a lot of detail about how the character felt and what they had thought in there head.  The movie didn?t do that and it was kind of boring compared to the book while reading the book you want to keep reading because it keeps you on your seat wanting to know whats next.  While you’re in the movie all you want to know is when the movie is over.

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