The Fault in Our Stars | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars

March 27, 2015
By Anonymous

“How Could You Not Cry?”

I’m sitting in the middle of the movie theater watching the end of the movie The Fault in Our Stars, and I look around and everyone in the whole theater is crying like the Niagara Falls are coming out of their eyes, except for me, my eyes were as dry as a desert. At first, I felt bad that I was not sad at such a depressing movie, and I wondered why I wasn’t sad. Then I realize I wasn’t sad because the movie did not live up to my expectations.
The bestselling book The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green, was released as a movie on June 6, 2014 as a romantic drama and apparently a real tear-jerker to everyone, except me. I had read the book several months before and I loved it, it was very well written. I was really excited to watch the movie and see what John Green could do with this fascinating book. However, when I watched the movie I was nothing but disappointed.There are several things to take into account as to why I did not like the movie, but all I knew is that when the movie was over, I did not like it at all.

One huge reason why I did not like the movie was because it was so set up. In the movie, Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters both have cancer. Hazel has a terminal lung cancer and Augustus has cancer in his leg, especially his knee. So we are almost 100 percent sure that at least one of them is going to die and that is exactly what happened. It was almost like we were just sitting there waiting for it to happen. Of course, I had read the book beforehand and had known one of them was going to die, but still, we are practically just watching this movie waiting for it to happen. Also, what are the odds of both the kids with terminal cancer falling in love with each other. It just like the stereotype of how two celebrities always have to marry each other just because they are both celebrities, but now it’s the two kids with a similar sickness. Now, don’t get me wrong, I realize that cancer is not something to joke about, I am just trying to get my point across. The Fault in Our Stars is not about real people that’s why I don’t have a problem sharing my opinion on it. Even though Hazel and Augustus both have cancer, that is really the only thing they have in common, so there is not a big chance that they would end up falling in love. Next, the actors that played romantics Hazel and Augustus played siblings in the movie Divergent that came out a few months before. While watching The Fault in Our Stars all I could think about was how they are siblings in Divergent, it definitely turned me off to the idea of them in a dating relationship when all I could picture them was as siblings. The Fault in Our Stars movie was nothing but disappointing and unsatisfactory to what I was expecting it to be.

The Fault in Our Stars is stereotyped as movie that all people, especially females, would love because of the relativity of it and the romanticism between Hazel and Augustus. However, The Fault in Our Stars, though being a very popular movie to the teen population of the world, personally, I was not a fan of this overrated movie and all the great reviews it has received.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 19 2015 at 7:59 pm
imanauthor BRONZE, Rr, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
True. The plot was set right from that first support group scene. While I appreciate the love premise, the book had no twists that amazing novels often do.