Neighbors | Teen Ink


September 15, 2015
By Anonymous

Neighbors is a movie about a family that just had a little girl enter there family. Mac (seth Rogan) and Kelly (Rose Byrne) all goes well for the family  until Delta psi fraternity moves into the house beside them. The president of delta psi fraternity is Teddy (Zach Efron). Mac and Kelly don’t want to seem uncool, so they try there best to get along with the president Teddy. But after a few nights of partying all night, they politely ask if they can turn the music down and they do. They make a deal they call teddy before they call the police. The next night they have another party late and they keep waking there new born child up. They try calling teddy multiple time and only leads to voicemails. They come up with an idea that they report them to the police and it will be an anonymous report. But when the police get there they give up the house that reported them and they go talk to them but the worst part is is that the night before they went and were partying with the college students they wanted to get them on there good side but now they have broken the deal and trust between teddy and the fraternity, and now a war erupts. They try to go after them, they break a water line flooding the basement of their house, but that doesn’t work, they raise enough money to pay for the damage and get an outdoor pool. After that things become even more worse then they already are, they wanted to sell their home but they tell them that they will only get half of what they paid for because no one wants to live next to a fraternity, only another fraternity would buy it because they will stay up all night and party too so it wouldn’t bother them.
After one of their late parties they get put on probation and can’t party for the rest of the year but when Mac and Kelly find a  way to manipulate them they think that they can.

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