Joy | Teen Ink


March 3, 2016
By alese SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
alese SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Nothing worth having comes easy” -anonymous.

The movie I’m reviewing is all about

hard working and what it takes to get to a person’s goal. Joy is a movie is about those things.
The main character, Joy, works and works and never gives up to achieve her goal. The actors,

theme, and ratings are always important parts of a movie. 

The theme of a movie is probably the biggest part of a it because it basically plays out
the whole rest of the movie. Hard work; that’s what Joy is about. She doesn’t stop trying and
never gives up. From the beginning to the end she is consistent. 

To make a movie better than good, the director has to pick just the right actors for the
parts. For this particular movie the director picked Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper as the
two main characters. They are pretty popular and seem to work very well with each other, being
this as their second movie together. Jennifer Lawrence’s first movies were in 2012. She started
getting noticed from the movie “The Hunger Games” and the other four sequels following in the
series. After that series, she gained a lot more popularity. Personally, I think she is a very
interesting actor because of the way she makes people really get into the movies. It’s as if she
could act any part and it would be a big hit. 

Bradley Cooper is another popular actor also in the movie “Joy”. He started acting in his
first movie in 2011. A pretty popular movie that Bradley Cooper starred in was “American
Sniper”. I’ve seen 2 movies of his and thought they were great. He makes things seem so real
and believable. 

The movie was surprising to me because it wasn’t expected to be that good. My friends
and I saw it together and weren’t disappointed. If I was to rate Joy, it would get 8 out of 10 stars.
Sadly though, it got 6 from most critics, who I disagree with. 

I talked about the theme, actors, and ratings. Hard work let’s you accomplish your goal
and that’s the moral of the story.  When I saw the trailer for this movie I wasn’t really interested
in seeing it, but now that I’ve seen it, I’m happy I did because it was exciting and interesting
throughout the whole movie. I recommend seeing it and would want to watch it again. 

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