Life is Beautiful | Teen Ink

Life is Beautiful

March 11, 2016
By CoolBr BRONZE, Enchant, Other
CoolBr BRONZE, Enchant, Other
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The movie Life is  Beautiful, is a 1997 Italian movie, directed by Roberto Benigni. It is a movie that has love, comedy, drama, tragedy, optimism, courage and so much more, this movie really makes you feel good, makes you sad, and happy. It will make you cry and smile, and this is one of the reasons that  I like this movie so much.  In the beginning of this movie I was so sleepy thinking “That boring movie, so old” and other things, but this movie really surprised me.

The movie has the theme of World War Two, 1939, Italy, Guido (Roberto Benigni)  is going to work in the city where his uncle lives, and while he is going, he stops at a farm and a woman called Dora jumps in his arms (Literally) and he falls in love with her, then he finds her again in the city and that she is a teacher. She is engaged to a rich and arrogant man that really doesn’t like Guido (and believe me, he had his reasons.). Guido sets up a lot of “Coincidental” incidents to show her his interest in her, and finally she says that she is in love with him too, and everything that happens in the start of the movie will make you smile so much. They get married and have a son called Giosue.

At Giosue’s birthday, his mom goes out to buy something, then the Germans soldiers come to their house, and call Guido and Giosue to come with them, because Guido is Jewish, and Giosue too. And Giosue was asking his father every time “Where are we going dad?” and he just said “It’s a surprise.”. When Doro comes home and sees a letter about where the family was, she runs and says to the German soldiers that she wants come in that train, she knows that she is not Jewish, but she wants to go and he can’t prevent her, when Giosue sees his mom he is so happy. This is so sad because he is a child and doesn’t understand what is happening. Giosue was saying every time that he was wanting to come home, that everyone there was looking so sad, that he doesn’t like that train, and asking for his mom, and Guido just kept trying to keep him calm, and have him think everything was wonderful and fun!

When they arrive in the concentration centre, the soldiers come to say the rules and all the things that the Jews need know and do, and they ask if someone speaks German.  Guido doesn’t understand and asks his friend what was said and his friend explained that they want someone who knows how to speak German to translate. He put his hand up and came up beside the soldier to translate all the things, and he translate in a way totally funny, saying that everything that was happening is a game, and who wins will win a war tank! His son stayed so happy, and the others Jews that don’t speak German were so confused.

Every day he hid Giosue and said that it is part of the game, and that he needs keep hidden for them to win more points in the game. Once a woman called all the children to take a shower, but he doesn’t like to take a shower and runs, and no one finds him. Guido found a way to speak with Dora, and Giosue say Hi to her too, and she stay so happy! Then on Liberation Day, when the Germans were taking everyone was out to kill them,and Guido ask to a man “what is happening here?” and he explain to Guido, so he thinks  fast that he needs find Dora! He takes Giosue to a hiding place and said to him that they need  just 60 points to win the tank and they will just win if Giosue stay there and just go out when Guido comes, or when the concentration camp has nothing and no one Giosue say that it’s okay. Guido wore woman’s clothes and go to look for Dora, he tried to find her in every place, and when a soldier was almost finding his son, he saw Guido and took him  behind a wall and kill him. That moment is really the most sad of all the movie, because he does everything to save his family and keep them safe, but he dies. I really cried the most  when I watched this part, more than all the movie. It involves you in a way that you don’t imagine. I am not really the greatest drama fan, but this movie is the most perfect drama that I watched anyways. Then the morning comes and no one is in the concentration camp Giosue just came out from his hiding place and looked around trying find his father or something, and when he looks ahead he look an American war tank and becomes so excited, “It’s true, my dad was not lying! I won the tank!” and the American called him to come in the tank, and he went. While the tank is in the street and the Americans and Giosue are saying hi to everyone he see his mom and screams to her, then the soldier gave him to his mom and Giosue said that everything was true, that his dad doesn’t lie, that he won the tank and his mother just cried and gave him a bigger hug. So the movie finish.

I know that everyone loves happy endings, that the good guy lives and be happy forever, but it’s  World War Two, it’s was sad, was tragic, and if Guido didn’t die, the movie would not have the same impact that  Life is Beautiful had.  The film won awards for Best Music, Original Dramatic Score, and Best Foreign Language Film, with Benigni winning Best Actor for his role. The film also received Academy Award nominations for Directing, Film Editing, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Picture.

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