Lilo and Stitch | Teen Ink

Lilo and Stitch

November 2, 2016
By DestineeOTW BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
DestineeOTW BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
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Family,love,and friendships are three things you need to survive the pain, the hardships, and the daily missions life may throw at you.The film Lilo and stitch,directed by Chris Sanders,illustrates these three elements marvelously by capturing the idea of a lonely alien who finally gets a family, a friend,and lots of love. This film takes place in a small area in Hawaii, and many problematic matters arise throughout the film. For example,towards the end of the of the film, the galactic force threatens to take Stitch away, and Lilo the lonely girl is afraid that her one true friend could disappear forever. But, after realizing the facts Lilo wins her best friend back and they both carry on together,creating more memories along the way.


Lilo and Stitch, by Sanders impresses many when the themes of family,love, and friendship brgin to unfold. The idea of family is shown throughout the film and the examples are produced in several scenes. New York Times has done a great job in reviewing the film and explaining how the theme of family takes place. The author Scott writes, “ He also embraces the Hawaiian concept of ohana or family, which is summed up in the oft-repeated promise,that, ‘nobody gets left behind’.”(NYtimes) This defines family because the review states how the idea of ‘ohana’ is found throughout the story, which means ‘family’ and the idea of nobody getting left behind. This means family because we usually feel the need to do whatever it taKES FOR OUR FAMILIES AND Would never want to depart from any of them. Scott from NY times also discusses the specific family in the film, and talks about the struggles they have, and how they overcome them to become a true family, even though it's nowhere near perfect. Scott states, “ Nani, is trying hard to make ends meet and be a mother to her young sister, who is having a very difficult time adjusting to life without her mom and dad..”(NYtimes) This reveals the fact that not all families are perfect , but the idea of loving who you have, and doing whatever it takes to show them, is all that really counts. The story in the film shows how a big sister has to take charge and provide for her young sister after her parents have passed, and she tries her best to make them a family again. Scott and Ny times also bring the idea of family to mind when they bring up stitch, and basically say how a new edition to a family. The reviewer lastly writes,” But the sentimentality does not feel dishonest or heavy handed, and stitch’s inevitable domestication does not entirely rob him of his demonic charisma, which he takes with him,and into his new family.” what the reviewer is trying to say is that stitch’s charm never fails, and that's what makes his appearance in his new family so special. This relates to the theme in family because all families are special in their own ways and every person's unique capabilities is what bring families together in a strange way. There are many definitions of family, and there's no correct definition, the only correct definition of a family is yours.
Now, without love, you could never possibly have a family, and that's why love is a major key to life. Love is a theme that is spread all over the film Lilo and Stitch, and without it, the movie wouldn't be the same. writes a touching review, that tells the audience how much love is shown through out Lilo and Stitch. The author, Theron, uses many examples in the story, and first talks about Lilo's love for Stitch and how important he is to her. Theron first writes,” Lilo just falls in love with Stitch, and decides to take him for a pet. It is with the most unlikely of characters that Lilo can find someone to confide in, to share her passions with, and to share her pain.” (IMDB) This quote describes how Lilo really loves Stitch and it talks about her trust in him. This explains love because in order to tell someone everything you have to love them in some way whether it's family or friends. This also shows love because it explains Lilo’s love for her parents and her sadness and tears comes from all the love she has for them. The author also discusses the theme of love, when he talks about Stitch and all the love Stitch has when he finds a family after only having himself and not knowing the feeling of love. The author reveals, “ Stitch is about the most obnoxious disney character of all time, but after a while, you start feeling sorry for the little guy, and start hoping that he can find the love and acceptance that he's longing for.”(IMDB) This means that, before Stitch realizes his love for his family, he was alone, and all he wanted was love, and all he wanted was acceptance. This relates to love because many people around the world long for love and many people are alone, but once they find love their worlds change. The author also talks about love when he talks about the overall movie and some of the things that the characters show deep regard for. The website quotes,” The mood is cozy and familiar, and the relationships have authentic tartness as well as generic warmth. Instead of the usual cheeky pop culture references, there is Lilo’s devotion to Elvis, and a quiet regard for details of character and setting. The film strives to be ,more soothing than thrilling, which is kind of thrilling in its own way.” (IMDB) This quote demonstrates love because throughout the movie the child named Lilo has a very deep regard for the performer Elvis, and this is shown in the film when Lilo constantly listens to his music. This is relevant because sometimes it's the only thing that makes her feel better.This shows the theme of love because it provides evidence of the things that are very much appreciated, and it relates to many, with the fact that we all have things that we love and they don't always necessarily have to be people. Love is spread rapidly around the world, but you can truly feel all the love that was provides carefully and happily into this film.

Love and family go together wonderfully, but an extra ingredient you need in your life is friendship. Friendships come and go but this film leaves you wanting desperatly the friendship that will never be forgotten.The film creates a very strong bond between the two characters Lilo and Stitch, which makes everyone want that vwery special friendship.An author named William Thomas from empire movies , writes a eye opening review about the movies friendship, that brings many mature thoughtd to mind in a childrens movie.The author first notices the characters relationship  and he finds how the strange couple arwe very protective of eachother. His review states,”As Lilo unwittingly protects Stitch from the scientist sent to capture him, the pet gradually learns the meaning of family and friendship.”(Empire) This quote reveals the fact that ilo protects Stitch throughout the story and Stitch can only do the same for her.This is an example of friendship because close friends basically do anything for eachother and will go through whatever it takes to keep each other safe. William also broadly writes about the idea of these two characters both being trouble makers but wherever they find themselves they never forget each other. The author recognizes,” Both rebellious orphans, Lilo and Stitch give their guardians hell, but through all the chaos somehow never lose their friendship.”(Empire) This explains how Lilo and stitch are put through a lot and many of it was a struggle but through all the tears and the pain Lilo and Stitch never hesitate to come together and be close. This shows friendship because no matter what happens, you could never forget your friends and the moments you've shared because friendships are very important and you'd put yourself through a lot to save them. Lastly William writes about the fact that Lilo and Stitch are both heartbroken and he notices that even though their lives aren't perfect they're still smiling with the friendship that they share. The author touchingly writes,”And of course, they eventually help each other come to terms with loss, finding comfort in the values of their friendship which is ‘little and broken but still good’, as Stitch finally notes.” (empire) This quote proves the grand friendship in this film because no matter what anyone else sees these two friends only see the power of each other.Friendship is one of the main themes because in my opinion Lilo and Stitch are the bestest of friends and I believe that people should look into friendship and find a stitch or a lilo of their own.

Family, love , and friendship, are the keys to a happy life, and the movie Lilo and Stitch , illustrates theses themes in a way that give them a deeper meaning.Many of us may think that a family is full of the people that we are related to , but a family could mean much more than that. A family isn't just the people that you happen to share the same blood with.A family is full of people or creatures that make you happy, help you out through anything,and care for you like no one else would. As these famous words say, ‘Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. To be able to have a ‘working’ family you need nothing more than love. Love is a force that you individually can control, and the love you have within you helps you balance out your life in ways that many of us don't understand. What makes this film so great is all the love that it contains. Now, if you have family and love, life is good, but to make it even better you need friendships. Friendships are very important in our world today, friends are the people that even if you tried you could never forget or replace. Friends are a main ingredient to mour daily smiles. The friendship in this film is so strong and powerful, that will leave you wanting as special and strong. Now these three elements wouldn't have been so wonderfully showcased in this movie if it weren't for the brilliant director and producers, and the amazing heart filled actors. Other things like the elvis based music, and the unique screenplay make this movie as beautiful as it is. Lilo and Stitch is a movie based on family,love, and friendship, and if your life needs an extra star, I madly encourage you to not just watch but absorb the absolute brilliance in this film.

The author's comments:

Lilo and Stitch is my inspiration

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