Hush | Teen Ink


January 24, 2017
By Jada_Krinke BRONZE, Cannon Falls , Minnesota
Jada_Krinke BRONZE, Cannon Falls , Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silence can be a killer, but it’s also a savior. Although in the movie “Hush”, one of the characters experiences it throughout her whole life. One day, the silence in a way helped her. “Hush” is one of 2016’s top movies on netflix, across America and in my own house. But there's more to the movie than we all think. They need the characters, a plot, a purpose to make the movie, also they need a production crew to help make the movie, and one of the most important the producers need a setting.

During the production of any movie, they became their character. Like with all the characters in “Hush” they had to really sell it. Madison(Kate siegel) one of the main characters, had to be the deaf woman in the movie. Madison’s neighbor, Sarah (Samantha Sloyan), is one of her good friends.. Sarah also, has a boyfriend John (Michael Trucco). Not everyone realizes it, but Madison does have a sister in the movie Max (Emilia Graves). But in this movie, there is one other character the man (John Gallagher Jr.).  Madison plays the deaf woman in this movie, she lives by herself outside of town. Sarah and John are the neighbors of Madison, and live right down the road. Lastly the Man, plays the antagonist in this movie and does not make the best decisions. The characters can't play the parts if they don't have a plot to be in.

In this movie for the most part the plot was really good. When you get closer to the climax it gets unbelievably thrilling! Its definetly not a predictable movie, especially when you are getting to the climax. But not only is the climax great, but wait until the ending. The ending is a happy ending in a way, depending how you look at it. Some people might think that the ending is cheesy, but for how the movie was laid out it definitely wasn't! When the movie gets toward the end,everyone gets anxious especially with the way Madison acts. To me, the movie wasn't all good, it did have some spots that had me bored. The beginning starts off kind of slow and isn't super interesting, but you have stick through it. Also right before the climax it is kind of dull and uninteresting. But these two “bad” parts definitely do not outshine the amazing parts. Most to all movies, have a purpose to be made and “Hush” does.

When you think about it, all movies have to have a purpose to be made. In this case the director didn't want a movie with any dialogue in it. He wanted to show everyone that having a disability isn't always bad. In way that you can't do anything, but you are limited to what you can do. He wanted something different than all the other movies, then he realized a deaf woman is something so unique. It's something no one else has thought of. Making the movie wasn't easy though, it took a lot more work than a movie with dialogue. Even though every movie has a purpose, they all have an end to them.

“Silence is a killer”,but in Madison's case it put her at disadvantages, but she had some skills that the man did not. So having a disability is hard, but you know how to handle them. “Hush” was one of 2016 top rated movies and that says something. That not only did netflix users like it but millions of people across america did. So maybe in this case silence isn't a killer it’s a captivator.

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