The Great Gatsby | Teen Ink

The Great Gatsby

May 11, 2018
By Anonymous

“A Little Party Never Killed Nobody,” by Fergie, Q-Tip, and GoonRock is played during the first party scene at Gatsby’s house. Overall the message of the song is about an extremely wild party that the singer is attending. Everyone is dancing and drinking and they are pushing the people to not stop until they physically cannot party anymore. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby throws wild parties that quickly get out of hand. These parties are very similar to the one described in the song. The line “Fake chit chat ’bout the things they got,” sticks out in my mind because a lot of the conversations at the party stand out as being very boastful and disingenuous. No one really seems to be good friends at these events they usually are just showing up to have a good time. Specifically, the conversations between Jordan and the two girls in the yellow dresses. Jordan talks about one of the girls hair but one can tell that she does not actually care or really notice anything about it. She just needed something to smalltalk about.
“Young and Beautiful,” by Lana Del Ray is played when Gatsby is showing Daisy his house for the first time. The lines, “I've seen the world, done it all/ Had my cake now,” remind me of Daisy and her relationship with Tom. She has seen it all and done it all with Tom because he has money and is able to spend very frivolously. The song then goes on to talk about a young and fun relationship in the lines, “Hot summer nights, mid July/ When you and I were forever wild.” These lines remind me more of Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship. They were young when they met and they pretend like everything would always stay the same. It was a whirlwind relationship that would most likely not last. The majority of the song is asking if someone would still love them when they got older and maybe less attractive. I see this line played out in Gatsby’s obsession with Daisy. He has already been let down by her present self because she is not the figment that he remembered from when he was young. He has built up the idea of young and beautiful Daisy so much that I do not believe he is still truly head over heel in love with older Daisy now that he has spent time with her and gotten to know what she has become.

The author's comments:

Song Anlysis of some of the music in The Great Gatsby

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