A Night to Remember | Teen Ink

A Night to Remember

December 2, 2022
By ipancheri BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ipancheri BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

September 4, 2021: In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the crowd impatiently waited for Flo Rida to make his way to the stage. Before he was even on the stage the crowd was excited. The DJ was on stage, people were dancing and singing, an hour before the concert even started. Performing at Summerfest is a great place: for kids, adults, and teenagers, set right in the center of Milwaukee. That year, the normal Summerfest season was pushed back because of COVID-19, but through that difficult time, Summerfest and Flo Rida were successful in making the best of it.

Flo Rida entered the stage. My best friend and I were in the pit. There weren’t many lights, but his performance was impressive. He engaged with the audience numerous times: he threw money, signed shoes, and gave out his shirt. The most shocking was his inviting a select few people from the audience onto the stage, me included. He high-fived all of us, and we all sang and danced, and even got to sing into his microphone while he performed his famous song Low. A pretty small free stage put to great use. 

There isn’t much I could criticize about his performance, but the audience I can. Though I was in the pit, it was pretty crowded behind me. The crowd was very eager to touch the man himself, luckily no one was hurt, but it could have potentially led to a problem. This would not be a place to bring kids. But, I don’t think anyone would. I would recommend bringing kids to Summerfest for there are numerous activities they can do: play on the playground, play in the sprinklers, or eat some ice cream. His concerts are specifically designed for teenagers and adults to attend and enjoy.

Overall, Flo Rida put out an amazing performance (especially for a free stage). And it is a concert that I will never forget because it was like no concert I have ever seen. The way he engaged with the audience completely shocked me, and it was beyond fun. I highly recommend seeing him—if ever given the chance.

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