Bloom, a Psychedelic Pop Gem of the 2010s | Teen Ink

Bloom, a Psychedelic Pop Gem of the 2010s

March 17, 2024
By Dexterious BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
Dexterious BRONZE, Van Nuys, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    “Ding, Ding,” Bells chime in your ear as you are swooped up into a trip through one of the most popular alternative bands’ albums, Bloom. With only 2 members, Alex Scally and Victoria Legrand’s band, Beach House has a creative impact with their music. Alex composes instrumentals with vibrating synths and pianos played simultaneously. Victoria's voice adds the finishing touch to each song; even with lyrics with little meaning, they mix perfectly with the instruments. Beach House has had a big scene in the music industry with their songs being sampled by Hit artists such as Kendrick Lamar on his song, Money Trees, a platinum record.    Originally starting in Baltimore, where the band creates most of their ideas, and ending in Tornillo Texas, the Album took several months to create. After recording several songs, 9 well-fitting tracks were set for release in 2012. The album became the band's second most peaking top chart album below “Teen Dream.” 

        Starting with "Myth", the first song gives an atmospheric introduction to the album, ”Help me name it, help me name it,” Victoria's voice echoes throughout the mix of harmony. Next “Wild” plays, the transition-filled synth song goes from a slow beginning to a powerful ending. After, “Lazuli” introduces a phenomenal instrumental that travels from ear to ear with “huh, huh, huh, huh,” adding the to cadence. After, my favorite track, “Other People,” gives off subtle pauses and the best composition with Victoria’s singing. After that, "The Hours' and "Other People'' create a transition carrying your ears with the chorus to the rest of the album. Then, organ-based “Trouble Maker,” and “New Year,” a calm track that soothes your brain from the intense feelings. Second from the end, "Wishes" has an enlightening buildup with vocals extending to the back of your ears, and a vibrant piano. After “On the Sea '' gives a slow build-up to a spacious climax of instruments late in the song. The last,  and longest track reaching almost 17 minutes, “Irene” carries a powerful synth and drums before fading to silence and into “Wherever You Go” an easter egg to Beach house’s B Sides and Rarities. 

        Beach House’s 2012 Album Bloom is an incredible, dreamy mix of songs that will echo across your mind and drag you away into the immersing music. Beach House clicks with the new emerging popularity of shoegaze and alternative rock groups popularized by social media. Dream pop can be enjoyed by anyone from Teenagers to adults who want to try a new genre. This gem of the past should be recognized. The intense, unique sounds of Beach House's "Bloom" will always have me clicking replay, the experience is a must.

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