The Villains of Stone City | Teen Ink

The Villains of Stone City

February 15, 2024
By Jayman-Jr BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Jayman-Jr BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the big city called Stone City, there lays a group of Earth's mightiest villains. This team of villains are celebrities in the villain world because they just defeated the last superheroes. They did it in Stone City capital which is now the villain capital. Despite all this everyone in the town is determined to not get taken over by the villains. Later after this historic event just happened the villains go back to their lair. The team is proud of what they did. Jonas Valentine is proud of what he did. He sits back with a cup of tea and relaxes over a fireplace. Jake East is different when it comes to celebrating. Jake flew in outer space and went around the earth until he got dizzy. The rest of the team which consisted of Amber Valentine and Michael Lewis just threw a party. On the other side, the civilians were not afraid and were willing to get destroyed for their city. They knew the villains would be celebrating so the Mayor hosted a meeting in Rock County where they needed to take back what was theirs. People started coming in and a crowd swelled with intense energy, a mixture of defiance and fear. The mayor, a beacon of authority in uncertain times, proposed a daring plan to infiltrate the villains' lair.

The tension in the air thickened as the crowd fell into a contemplative silence, every gaze fixed on the mayor. No one seemed eager to volunteer for such a perilous mission until a heroic figure stepped forward. Jayvian Bentley, a cop from the state of Oregon, stood brave. His eyes, a reflection of unwavering determination, conveyed a silent promise to reclaim the city from the clutches of villainy. So he went to the villain, it was a long walk there. His feet filled with pain and Soreness he finally arrived as he wiped the sweat off his face he opened the door

 “ Wow it isn’t locked, “ Jayvian exclaims. 

 He uses the skill he used in police school to sneak past them halfway. Creeeeeek! Came from under his feet all the villain's eyes pointed at Jayvian. He was on all fours. Jake sees this as a weakness and flies straight towards him, Jayvian jumps up and lands on top of his rough scratched up back and steers him to a wall and flips off as soon as Jake slams into the wall.

“Get him” Jonas, the leader of this team, screams!

Amber uses her super scream to knock Jayvian out but he trained himself not to fall for her super scream and walks right through it and knocks her out 

“Impossible, “ Amber shouts, her disbelief echoing in the room like a fading reverberation.

Then he runs towards Jonas and puts his hands on his wrist before Jonas could react he pushes down on his wrist and he falls to the ground. The room falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the breathing of the combatants. The focus narrows to Jayvian and Michael, the enigmatic figure shrouded in silence ever since the accident. Micheal is not the one to talk. So he just stared at him and Jayvian knows MIcheal has every power known to man, he was unstoppable. Jayvian knew he wasn’t going to make it back home.

“Let me just ask you something, why are you guys the way you are, ” Jayvian questions?

Jayvian looked at him not expecting him to answer but he did. In a weak voice he explained to him how it all started for everyone on the team 

“First I will tell you the story of Amber and Jonas Valentine” he exclaims 

Jayvian looked shocked but he couldn't do anything so he sat down and listened because he wanted to know. Micheal started to explain how Amber and Jhonas lived in Mexico and their parents were assassinated by anti-heroes. And No one came for them, everyone thought they died. But they didn’t know that so they thought everyone hated them. So they became the death twins and they were born with powers like all of us.  

“Hold on,” Jake interrupted. 

“Let me just wrap this up because this is taking really long and I need to finish my show!” Jake screamed. 

Jake stretched then picked Jayvian up and threw him through the ceiling. 

Flashback Jake doesn't really have a backstory; he was just a bad kid from another planet then came here to take over this one And Michael erased his own memory so he doesn’t remember anything from his past.  

Back to the present they saw they Jayvian phone was on the floor so the they called  mayor

“Your spy is gone and ain't never coming back “ Jake declares, the words echoing with a finality that sends shivers through the room. 

“Please don't do this to us “ answered the Mayor

Right after they hung up the phone they got an alert   so loud it made the others wake up from being knocked out

On their TV in their living room, it showed a meteor coming and it will hit the earth in about 1 month. They didn’t know what to do. There were no heroes to save the earth and they didn’t want to save earth because that would make them look like heroes but they kind of had no option.

Once the crowd of people left it was just the mayor and his assistant Morgan.  She told him that there was a meteor heading straight towards Earth. As he walked outside the meteor loomed over him like a dark cloud, a force pressing down on his shoulders, making him dizzy. He didn't know what to do. There were no more Heroes left on Earth. The only thing he could do was hope that it would miss the Earth. 

The Villains were confused. And didn't know how to feel about the situation. They knew if they saved the world they would be looked at as Heroes, not villains and that they would lose every accomplishment as villains. The stress got to them so much that they needed a break. The Team needed to take their mind off of villainy and just needed to interact with other humans besides themselves. They haven't gone outside of their lair since destroying the last superhero. So they needed this. They wanted relief. So  Amber and Jonas went to Mexico to immerse themselves in the vibrant colors and rich textures of the local culture. and the sensational delights of new cuisine tantalized their taste buds. They all experienced the real world as regular people for once and they liked it but they still had the urge to do villainous things. but they didn't, they held themselves back from doing anything bad because they knew that whether they did something bad it wouldn’t matter because everyone was going to die. Except Micheal he didn’t want to live like a human he wanted to be bad. He wanted the people to pay for what they did to him all those years ago. His memory started to come back and it made him and it made him even madder. He needed to feed his thirst for villainy. While the others were out trying to settle out their emotions he was at their lair looking out the window at what he had created which was the asteroid. It all started 1 year ago. While his team was in a meeting on how they should improve their skills Micheal made a bright blue button. This button could change the gravitational pull of any object in space. He needed it to be perfect so it wouldn't malfunction when the time came.  At this time he still never really talked to he didn’t tell anybody. Black to the present     Jonas and Valentine got finished in Mexico and they went back to America and met up with the other members of the group Michael and Jake.  They knew what they wanted to do; they would anonymously destroy the asteroid and go back to their villainous ways.  Because they didn't want to be known as Heroes, they wanted to be known as villains. or maybe they didn't want to be known as villains. They were confused about who they really wanted to be.  After a couple days of exploring the world and meeting people, they went back to their lair. It seemed different. it didn't feel the same as it used to be. The decision to destroy the asteroid loomed large, an image shown in their minds like a looming storm cloud. The villains grappled with their identity, a Psychological dance between heroism and villainy. 

” How will you destroy things?” MIcheal says.

“Maybe a device,” everyone answered Simultaneously. 

   They needed to make a device that would destroy the asteroid from space. They devised the plan that they would send  Jake into space. He would fly to the asteroid, plant the asteroid-killing tool, and explode the asteroid, then go back to Earth and act like nothing happened. They decided to blow up the asteroid in one week. Until then they would live their lives as regular humans. 

The people of the city were scared they just got told that an asteroid would be killing them all.  A lot of people thought to themselves they needed to do everything they ever wanted to do before they died and others just stayed inside and didn't know what to do because they were scared and confused. Also, they realized that the villains that took over their City have been quiet. No one knows where they have been lately. Now they have to worry about two things: the villains and the asteroid. Just then the villains fly in and Michael hacks every TV in  Oregon. They need to send a message to everybody that they will be taking a break for a little bit and they have nothing to fear because they won't do anything to them unless you aggravate them. 

The weeks felt like seconds. They kept on having To push back the date of the detonation. It was either malfunctioning or just disappearing. but now there is just one day left until the asteroid hits. The streets were quiet, the people felt as if they did everything they needed to do before they died.  The villains grew to love the people and the people loved them back instead of being dictators they were regular people. Also, they gave the mayor back his power over the city and renamed it back to Stone City. They all decided that Michael should be the one to use the button instead of Jack. But it was going to be a little harder because he couldn't fly. So they needed to build a rocket in one day. The process kicked off in the design room, where Amber, the artistic one, sketched complex blueprints that shined across the whiteboard. creating a visual roadmap for their quick space journey. The villains gathered around, their eyes absorbing the intricate details, feeling the potential of their creation. The second began and they went into their materials room. Jake, who wasn’t smart but was from space, helped the team in picking the parts that would withstand the terrible forces of space travel. The clang of metal echoed through the workshop as they began shaping and welding, feeling the weight of each component that would compose the rocket's sturdy frame. They finally finished putting their machine together and they made Micheal a suit where they can communicate with him. The suit was very smooth and shiny and made you feel protected. Suited up he got in the rocket. 3 2 1 lift off.   The rocket took off in space. They only had 5 hours to do this so they had to be quick. He has finally reached the Asteroid. This is a special rocket that can move at the speed of light, so the trip was only 10 minutes. Now that he is on the asteroid he takes out the device and plants it on the asteroid.

“All right now all you have to do is press the button,” Amber announces.

“Also there will be a 20-second timer so you can leave,” Jake adds.

There was silence. Michael didn't answer anybody, he just stood there. on the camera back at the base it showed him just standing there he wasn't moving. Michael picks up the device on the ground.

“ Michael what are you doing press the button!”  Amber, Jake, and Jonas screamed.

 he just stood there Frozen…

Then Micheal mutters In a deep raspy voice,” No.”

The reason for this is 10 years ago Michael used to be a superhero. Until one day he wanted to be the best. And he was the way he never made mistakes. Until he did make one and everyone hated him for that one mistake that he made. It started to get to him. He started showing up less and less to his job which was being a hero until he eventually stopped and became a villain.

That's why he hates everyone. He even tried erasing His memory and making it so that he was never a superhero but It still started to come back. 

Now in the present for the last time, Amber says, “ Michael please.” 

Then the team left the room and it was up to Micheal to make the decision himself. There was only 4 hours left so they sat down stress running through their body. They waited because they didn't know what was going to happen next.  Michael didn't know what to do stress was running through his body he thought to himself maybe if he did explode the asteroid he could start over and be a superhero again but on the other hand if he didn't he would get revenge for what the people did to him. he sat there for 3 hours deciding on what to do until there was one minute left. The tension was thick in space.

  The asteroid looked massive from Earth. It was closer than ever the citizens were frozen. Until it exploded but not on Earth in space they looked around. They were confused on what happened they thought that the asteroid was going to hit. The villains went outside, then looked in the air and they realized that the asteroid was gone. But they knew that  Michael stayed on the asteroid. All of Michael's bad Deeds weighed heavy on him. He realized that being a superhero is better than being a villain. And that he shouldn't have been angry but he's already done too many bad things for him to go back so he decided to stay on the asteroid. Everyone celebrated except the villains who stood in silence to mourn the death of a hero. Days passed and they wanted to change their lives and become superheroes and they wanted to restore peace back to the Earth and that's exactly what they planned to do.

The author's comments:

it is a crazy story that is was limited because I could only use 2500 words but I still locked and made this semi-master piece. this is a somewhat interesting story about a group of villains that must save the world.


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