Detective Turtle | Teen Ink

Detective Turtle

March 7, 2012
By tannerflake BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
tannerflake BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There I am, flipped over on my shell, my wife screaming and crying, the boy, laughing at both of us. That is when I see them, the headlights of a car, speeding along the road, and I am defenseless, flipped over on my back when I hear a scream.

“I’m going to the garden to get some more lettuce” says my wife Sally. She leaves me eating a cherry tomato that had some how appeared inside of our den. “Okay honey, but be back soon, it’s getting dark” I reply. I take the last bite of the tomato. Suddenly, I start to feel sleepy. Then, Sally screams as somebody takes her off into the distance, that’s when everything went black.

“Hello, are you in there detective turtle” says Senor Tortoise, kicking my shell. I wake up slowly to realize what had happened. “My wife! Sally! She’s gone!” I desperately yell. “Whoa man, slow down! Tell me what happened.” After a brief explanation of what happened, Senor Tortoise is shocked. “We need to go outside and look for some clues.” Says Senor Tortoise.
As we do so, we are greeted with the sight of a long streak of green juice. I quietly think to myself about the display. “Why would there be a green streak that leads all of the was to the road?” I quietly ponder. That is when the idea hits me. “She left a trail for us to follow!” I yell in realization. Come on Senor Tortoise, Lets follow that trail! I quickly realize how fast what ever did it really was. The trail must have been a full 50 yards. “I know that it will take a full day, but we must do it.” I say.
We pack up some food and depart to follow the ever so long trail, walking and walking for a very long time. My feet hurt excruciatingly, but I know I must press on. We keep walking till we hear a scream. It could belong to none other than Sally. “Let’s go!” I yell, still somewhat mesmerized by the sound.
We must have been running a full one and a half MPH. It was fast, maybe even a world record, but I was only focused on getting Sally. Suddenly, somebody picks me up, a small redheaded boy. In an instant, it all comes back to me. His name is Tommy, he used to be my owner before I snuck away to the desert to start a new life. “I really have missed you Detective Turtle.” He says lifting me. That was when I put all the pieces together in my mind to find the full picture. It was him that slipped the drugged cherry tomato into our house. It was him who turtle-napped Sally. Just then he flips me over and runs off. So there I am, in the middle of the road, on my back, hopelessly squirming as the headlights illuminate me. But right then, I hear him cry out in pain. It was Sally! She must have bitten him! That is when I see Senor Tortoise and Sally running to my rescue. They flip me over and we bolt off from the road just in time for the car to pass. We then walk home, shaken by the event, but satisfied that we made it out.

The author's comments:
I like turtles


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on Apr. 22 2016 at 9:46 am
OneSwaggaliciousTurtle, Sheperdsville, Kentucky
0 articles 0 photos 12 comments