Bocephus the Gigolo | Teen Ink

Bocephus the Gigolo

January 7, 2014
By Cbooker97 BRONZE, Lisbon, Maine
Cbooker97 BRONZE, Lisbon, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bocephus the Gigolo
Once upon a time there were like 5000 gigolos just chillin in a volcano. They called their lair the Voclano, as to confuse other enemy gigolos. They also wanted to be sure no one called them juggalos, because no one likes juggalos.
Anyway, there was a gigolo named Bocephus. Before Bocephus had become a gigolo he had just dropped out of high school. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he knew he didn’t want any part of school. Bocephus had started to travel around going from town-to-town, job-to- job. He had done everything from Jousting to being a Butler, he didn’t enjoy any of it. Bocephus had traveled to a rural town near an inactive volcano. He had gone there to get another job, he had been searching and he saw the local deli. They were looking for a cashier. He had applied, and then searched for a place to set up camp, he had found a clearing in the forest next to a stream, the trees had provided enough shade that it wasn’t completely dark, but he could still be cool. Bocephus had set up his tent and he laid out his sleeping bag and went to sleep. The next day he went back to the deli and they had told him they looked at his application and he had gotten the job. They told him to get an apron on and start. He picked up the apron it had blood and guts all over it, it smelled rancid and he was starting to get nauseous. He put it on and he went over to the counter where his boss, Benedict, was going to show him what to do. His boss went through all the different parts of the pig and cow and the cuts of meat that they have. After they had finished a customer was coming in, his boss had asked him if he could handle this one, Bocephus had already started to ask the customer what he wanted by the time Benedict had finished his sentence. As he was completing his order and weighing it out he had gotten a glimpse out of the front window to see what looked to be a fist fight in the street, he had quickly finished cashing the customer out when he ran out the door.
It was a cloudy day in Cirencester, the sky was completely covered by the clouds not a break in the horizon. Everything about this day seemed tranquil up until now, when these two hooligans had started fighting. Finally, when one of the criers broke up the fight, the two young men had started to tell their stories. One of the men, named Lief had told of how the other was trying to start trouble between the two families. How he had always been trying to steal from their garden. He continued to tell of how he had finally caught him in the act and chased him down into the streets of the town. Cedric, the other man told of how Lief had stolen his families treasures and he was just reclaiming what was rightfully his. Everyone knew of Cedric and his bad reputation and so, because of this everybody believed Liefs story.

They had taken Cedric to court to have his fate decided. Lief had walked away, but he had a grin on his face, this concerned Bocephus. Bocephus headed to his camp and thought about what had happened earlier today, he started to think about who was actually telling the truth ‘Why would someone lie about someone stealing family treasures?’ . Bocephus had slept on those few questions.
The next day there wasn’t any work for anyone because there was a town holiday, this was the perfect chance for Bocephus to go see Cedric and ask him a few questions. When he arrived no one was there; he snuck in and found Cedric in his cell. He tapped on the metal bars which got Cedrics’ attention. Cedric was startled, he asked him what he was doing here. Bocephus had told him that he was there yesterday when they had started fighting and how he had thought about who was telling the truth. Cedric started to become embarrassed because he thought Bocephus was like everyone else and he came to mock him. This wasn’t the case though Bocephus had told him that he had seen Lief walk off with a grin and that he didn’t believe a word he said, He had just come to get the truth about what happened from Cedric. Cedric had asked Bocephus if he had a piece of paper and a pen. Bocephus was confused, but he didn’t ask any questions he quickly rushed to the front desk grabbed a pen and paper and gave it to Cedric. He had started writing a list of things he couldn’t make out what he was writing. Cedric had finished and signed it and gave it to Bocephus. He told Bocephus to go to the volcano and jump into the magma. Bocephus was in disbelief, he couldn’t do such a thing. Cedric told Bocephus to trust him and just do it.
Bocephus had left and started to head to the volcano. He thought he might be looking for something so he kept his eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. The time had come and he was at the peak of the volcano and he hadn’t seen a single soul or anything the whole way up. he peeked into the volcano and it was filled almost to the brim with hot magma. Bocephus had remembered what Cedric had told him and he got the piece of paper out and read it.
1) Jump into Volcano
2)Go to the Leader and show them the note
Bocephus stared into the magma and he was very skeptical about jumping into a volcano. He walked back a few yards and at full speed ran and jumped into the volcano, the instance he hit the magma he realized it “this isn’t hot at all, what the hell is this?!” he had continued to float down for about 10-15 seconds, all of a sudden he had hit the ground, Bocephus had tried to find a hole or anything to get out of and catch his breath. He had started to lose consciousness when he had been grabbed by something and was yanked around until he finally lost consciousness.

Bocephus had woken up next to an altar surrounded by thousands of people in robes. He had started to get up, and everyone else stepped closer to him asking him what he was doing here and how he got here. Bocephus had scrambled around to find where he placed the note. he had found it but it was covered in the liquid gunk he was floating around in. Cedrics signature wasn’t legible and so he told them of how Cedric has been placed in jail for supposedly stealing and how he stopped by the jail and he gave him this note with his signature and directions. Some of them believed him while the others were still astounded as to how he could even believe Cedric when no one else did. The leader of this tribe or whatever it is had stepped in and took Bocephus into his quarters. Bocephus had started to explain when the leader cut him off and asked him why Cedric had told him to do this and what his reasons were for sending him. Bocephus had told him how he was the only person that had believed Cedric's story and he told of how Cedric gave him a piece of paper with directions and a signature if anything like this were to happen. The leader had sent him to a room sort of like a cell until he could think of something to do with him. The leader thought of torture, execution, and a few other things. He made a decision and he had visited Bocephus and told him that they couldn’t let him leave knowing that this was a secret lair so the option was up to him whether they kill him or they could recruit him to the secret society. Bocephus reluctantly went with joining the group, he had no other choice, even though he had no idea what this secret society was about or what they even did here he joined. Later that night he was sworn in and they gave him a key to his bedroom where he would have all his stuff such as robes and a new ID. when he was being sworn in he heard them say something along the lines of “Secret society of the Gigolos”. Bocephus now realized what they were doing and why they were down here.

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