The IT | Teen Ink

The IT

October 23, 2014
By Nick williams BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
Nick williams BRONZE, Battle Ground, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Running as fast as I possibly could, the wind in my face and this long brick steep path way lay in front of me. I cant stop now. I dont know why I’m running, but I’m scared. I stop to take a breath, why am I running. Who am I running from? I don’t know. I can feel chills run down my spine. The goose bumps cover every inch of my body. What am I so scared of? I rest my hand on my head and I feel something wet, I bring my hand down and its covered in blood. I feel around more on my head some more and the entire right side of my head is soaked in blood. I can feel the bump with my hand but it doesnt hurt. Confused I sit under a tree facing up the trail. I gain control of my breathing and I realize what I was running from. I immediately spring from the rock I was sitting on and start running again, as fast as I could. My side began to hurt. I told myself not to think even think about it, I couldnt stop not now. I could hear the rustling behind me as its claws dug into the rock pathway.  The sun was sinking into the trees and the trail began to become hard to see. With each stride I take it gets closer and closer, I’m just waiting for the tug on my shoulder when it grabs me and I fall to be eaten. The trees fly past, the bushes fly past, the branches scrape my skin. I quickly throw my head over my shoulder and it jumps into the shadows of the trees. I see a light in the distance. That light is my only hope for any kind of chances of surviving. I cant get any closer any sooner, I’m running as fast as I can with the it grunting and its horrific noises close behind me. A dark silhouette of a man comes out and underneath the light, he lifts up a long shot gun and yells “duck boy!” and he shoots into the dark and immediately the creature stops and runs the other direction down the brick path. “Hurry boy, it will be back,” says the man. I run up to him and quickly he runs over to a tree stump and lifts up a large hidden door on the stump. “Well go on, we don’t have much time”. I step in, and he steps in after me and closes the door. The door is made of three-inch steel and he has padlocks all up and down the door. I turn around to a nice cozy house underneath the ground. There is a fire in the fireplace and a couch. “Sit boy, ill be right back with some stew, you have to be hungry, and something to clean that blood up with” he says. Still trying to take all this in and trying to control my breathing. He left and he's not come back for 10 or so minutes. He comes back with stew and sets it on the coffee table in front of me and he leaves the room again. This time he comes back with two shotguns and a box. He sets the box down and hands me a gun and says “That thing will come back and when is does we are going to kill it” The box is full of shotgun rounds. The stew is not very good and I feel like I am going to vomit anyways so I push it towards the middle of the coffee table. BOOM! “I told you, grab the gun and prepare, when it comes through that door aim for its heart. But don’t shoot till its all the way through!” BOOM! this time it put a big dent in the steel door. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. It continues to hit in the same place. The steel hinges holding the door on are starting to loosen. My heart begins to race just as it did when I was running from the creature. “steady boy, stead.” the man softly said to me. It is able to reach its arm in. The black claws were covered in blood and its fur was black. It swung its arm around like a cat digging for a mouse in a mouse hole. It pulled its arm out and BOOM! “shoot!” the man yells at the top of his lungs. POW! click, click POW.

It lunges forward and jumps off of its hind legs and pounces on the man. The creature pins the man to the floor “run!” the old man yelled to me. I slowly step backward with my gun pointed down as I watch the huge black creature sink its fangs into the man’s skull like butter. It rips and tears the mans limbs. Im in shock, what do I do? I cant move, my arms and legs are stiff. The creature slowly looks up at me and completely stops. I couldnt breath, and quickly I turn and run down the hallway and the first door I see I jump in and I closed the door and lock it. I step back slowly and raise my gun to the door as the creature beats on the door. I only have one shot left in my gun and I’m not about to get my face eaten. The creature busts down the door and leaps up at me exposing its heart, I shoot, and I duck out of the way. Its body falls to the ground shaking the floor as it hits the ground. I drop the gun, I put my back against the wall, and I slide down on my butt, in shock. It's dead, and over. The man is dead…but I survived…IT

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