Spy Time | Teen Ink

Spy Time

November 3, 2014
By Anonymous

                                          SPY TIME

        I had just won my first Math Olympics in school, today was the best day ever. I even got a huge trophy, I was so excited to show this to my mom. When I came to the front door, there was a letter, that said,
“ Jack,
         I have gone out shopping, I have left some food for you in the refrigerator.

        Ok so that was fine, so I just put my trophy down, next to the T.V., and went to the refrigerator, when I opened it, there was fried rice. Yuck, I hate fried rice, the vegetables and the rice are not even good. Since, I didn’t want fried rice I could just make some popcorn and drink some soda. When I made the popcorn and got the soda, I had forgotten something, watching a movie . It was time to party and enjoyyy! So when I went to my room, there was a tall man in a suit, he had black hair, black eyes,and he had pale skin. When I saw the man I was about to call my mom and run out of the house. But instead, “ Who the heck are you?”, I said in a manly voice. The man stood up and said, “I am David Trambo, also known as SHADOW. I work for the junior R&R (Rock & Roll) secret agency and we want you to work the agency too.” For a second I thought why would they want me. So I asked, “ Why do you want me?”. “Because of your excellent math skills, so let me ask you some questions. What is 5648 x 524?”, said Shadow. Quickly Jack said, “2,959,552”. “ Correct, If you want to join then, you can sign the contract, if you don’t want to join then just say no.”, said Shadow.


        I was thinking about my parents and was thinking what will they say, so it was my choice to choose Yes or No, I thought about for a while, then I put my hand out and said, “ Give me the contract”. He gave the contract and I signed it, when I looked up there was something in his hand. When I asked what it was he said, “ It is your I.D. to enter the agency, it has your name on it, a picture of you, and your agency name: SPIDER.” “Cool”, I jumped up and said. He stood up  and said, “Tomorrow is your first day, ok.”  I said, “Ok”. Right after he left I wondered should I tell my parents or not, I just decided to wait until tomorrow, to find out what is going to happen.




        It was Saturday, the day after Shadow came into my house. I was excited to go to the R&R agency, but what was I supposed tell my parents. Oh yah, I remember my I.D. card had his phone number at the back of it. I looked at the back of the I.D. and it said Shadow: 1234567890. Hmm, pretty weird phone number, but it is really easy to remember. So I called him and he picked it up and said. “ Spider, I will come in 5 min.” “Ok, But what should I tell my parents?”, I said. He said,“ Tell them that you are going to school to study, and then later on, we will send them a letter that you joined a school in Los Angeles and it is the best school in America.” “Ok”, I said.


         10 minutes later, he texted me saying, “I am at Crusty Park, come near there.” Oh that’s 2 blocks away, that is really close. I got my backpack and my I.D and was set to go. When I went downstairs, my mom was watching T.V., so I said, “ Mom, I am going to school for a club, I might come late.” “ Okay” , my mom said. So when I went out, I started walking down and in a few seconds I could Shadow in a suit again. When I saw him, I ran down fast as I can and his car it was just awesome, it was probably one of the best cars I have heard of or seen of in my life. I wish I could have had that car. “Get in, we have to go fast, the principal is waiting for you.” , said Shadow.

          Finally, we’re here. It took us at least one hour to come here. Woah, this place looks awesome, “R&R secret junior agency” , I whispered. It was so big, it was blue and rusty. They had security guards everywhere, walking with a humongous guns and they wore thick black shirts and pants. So Shadow and I walk in the agency, right when I walked in there were two people, one had a really fat belly and really fat thighs and one was really skinny and looked like he had a 8 - pack . They were soldiers, when I saw them I thought they won’t do anything but when the skinny person roared, “ATTACK” I ran for my life and screamed,


       “Ahhhhhhhhhh”.Where the heck is Shadow? How did he disappear in one second? I don’t care now, I’m running for my life, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know I’m going to get killed, since I have a 11:32 minute mile. I see some stairs, go for it, yuck, is that rat poo. Right when I run on a couple a few stairs, I fell right on the stinkiest rat poo, uhhh, wait this actually doesn’t smell so bad. I hear some stomping footsteps, oh no its the big soldiers. I start running up the stairs again, once I get up I see a door that says, “DO NOT ENTER”. Once I saw that, I knew that I had to go in that door to hide. So I opened the door and locked it, I also put a table that was filled with a bunch computers,wires, and keys. There was also huge ladder that was there, there was only one way out, go down the ladder.

         When I came down I saw a portal, I wondered what it was for. I was about to find another way to get out of this place, but I saw a sign, that said, “TYPE IN YOUR ADDRESS IN THE COMPUTER AND GO HOME.”  I just wanted to go home and didn’t want to come back, so I typed my address and something happened the portal got bigger and then it spoke, it said, “ Get in.” I looked back and jumped in the portal and it closed, it was huge bumpy ride. Its been three minutes and I still haven’t have come home, this is stupid, It was a trap. Wait, I see a light, is that my house, it is my house. Yes, finally, the portal is about to end, here I come, 3..2..1, bam I’m in my room.


      Finally, safe and so quiet. BAM, what was that? I looked through the window and checked what it was, and I saw the same two soldiers from R&R agency. I’m DEAD!

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This article has 1 comment.

Mr.Gr said...
on Nov. 7 2014 at 12:34 am
Mr.Gr, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 78 comments
I love the unepected outcomes and the funny details!