The Regional Final | Teen Ink

The Regional Final

October 15, 2015
By Knisely45 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Knisely45 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the roar of the crowd as I am at the top of the ramp. It gives me the biggest adrenaline rush. I spotted my mother, father, sister, aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa, and my girlfriend in the crowd. That gave me so much confidence I was a hundred percent sure I would win and complete this stunt.
The announcer comes on the air and says, “Alriiiiight ladies and gentlemen are you readyyyyyyyyy?” I waved my arms up and down as if to hype up my fans. “Ready, Set, Gooooooooo!”
I start rolling down the ramp, the wind in my hair, and best of all, all eyes on me. I was grinding into the next ramp. I did some monster spins in the air. Then I did a backflip, but I went too far. All I could do was fall helplessly. I think I landed on my back towards my head area, it had knocked me out as soon as I touched the ground.
Next thing you know I see white walls and glass containers full of different colored liquids that gave me a sick, sick feeling. I tried to move my arms and legs they wouldn’t budge and I could barely lift a finger. If I wanted to look around I could move my head to the left or to the right. There were noises coming from behind a strange door. I could see huge beady eyes staring at me looking deep into my soul. The creatures on the other hand were completely soulless, their eyes were too big for their small head that was really giving me the creeps. But what made my heart jump out of my chest was when they waved at me with long fingers that were covered in blood and they had blades for fingernails.
Suddenly I woke up screaming. I was tied down to a chair. I started to look around and I already dreaded that decision. I saw three figures. Dark green slimy skin covered in red ants. Their hair was bright white and they had nests of tarantulas staring at me with more than one hundred little eyes. That’s when I noticed this nasty creature’s eyes not only were they huge but there was skin extended off of their eye lids like they were looking through a telescope! Instead of having a heart like the Grinch my heart shrank to the size of a shrimp like they were eating at a buffet and my soul was the main course. They smiled at me and I swear I saw my heart inside of their mouths. Again I lost track of where I was and remembered my mom back home.
I was jolted awake with a sharp pain all throughout my body. I was standing up glued to a wall. I had a metal helmet on with wires running from it through a wall. I had a thin stick to bite down on in my mouth. I had other wires connected to my limbs and chest. There were warning labels all around me, on the floor, on the walls, on me, on the wires, and on the only door in the room. I saw a group of men staring at me from a window. They had remotes and buttons that looked like if I moved they were going to fry me. I was asked a series of questions. Every time I answered the lie detector went off! For every question a new bug, creature, or unknown creepy crawly was let into the room and of course, I had nowhere to go….
I woke up drenched in a pool of sweat. I couldn’t move. I was trying to call for help but nothing came out. I couldn’t see it was all pitch black. I quickly realized I couldn’t even breathe or maybe I was just imagining things. But it was too hard to be sure. After those episodes that I had had I wasn’t sure what to think. I just laid there for what seemed like days, months, maybe even a year. It gave me plenty of time to think. All I was thinking about was if I was paralyzed, or what if I was in a coma, or what if I was dead? What if I was even left to die? It turns out I wasn’t wrong. A creepy low toned voice told me in the dark I was correct but I couldn’t answer the voice so it left me confused and alone with no explanation of what was to happen in my future.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my Language Arts Honors 8 class. I tried many ideas that i had in my head but none seemed good enough. So i put thm all together with a little twist.

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