the tale of mr.kitty | Teen Ink

the tale of mr.kitty

October 6, 2015
By colinw. BRONZE, Keller, Texas
colinw. BRONZE, Keller, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a kitten named Mr.Kitten. One time Mr.Kitten went outside for a walk. he put on his lucky sombrero and left the taco stand. He walked around his neighborhood saying hi to all his friends. Then out of nowhere he saw his arch enemy, Gangster Dawg.

Gangster Dawg and him started talking. Thats when Mr.Kitty announced he was gonna take over the universe. Gangster Dawg then said ‘slow your roll dawg , you aint taking over the universe i am’. Mr.Kitty was mad, he wanted to take over the universe.

Thats when both of them knew they were going to fight for the universe. Mr.KItty then took a taco from under his sombrero and threw it at Gangster Dawg. The taco hit Gangster Dawg in the face and then Gangster Dawg ripped his chains of and threw them at Mr.Kitty.

They were both injured and asleep. They were both laying on the ground for a while.The next day they both woke up. They both cleaned the blood of their fur. They didnt say anything to eachother for a while. THen at the same time they said ‘we should share the universe!’

And to this day Mr.Kitty  and Gangster Dawg have shared the universe (threw internet).

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